Grass Roots – The Reality of Cannabis Legalisation

New Zealand is going to vote on cannabis legalisation So in a world full of misinformation and fear mongering I decided to search out the truth and provide a …

32 responses to “Grass Roots – The Reality of Cannabis Legalisation”

  1. well I ordered twice from kush_fisher2020 on snap both ibs and it went through via FedEx and wasn’t caught was damn shocked when it was delivered to me and when I took a look damn the packaging was 💯 even the dogs couldn’t have perceived it

  2. It's such a shame we have more than a few people abusing their platforms who continue spread fear mongering and misguided perspective's based on their own personal opinion, that indeed have had a heavy influence on Kiwi's leading up to the referendum – and actually offer nothing of substance or real factual relevance when it comes to fronting the discussion of countering those who are moving towards being pro-cannabis.

    While your short-doco should've easily had more screen time or shares among social media to spread the word prior to voting, this still beats half the rubbish these decrepit morons continue to recycle as though it's gospel.

    Appreciate your efforts brother.
    Informative, relevant, straight facts.
    You've achieved more good with this short-film, than an entire opposition party and hundreds of politicians could ever dream of over a 2 decade period – by simply sharing the truth. A quality, we sorely miss!

  3. Shot bro tht waz mean az so glad u brought about the true awareness and positive realities that cannabis can have on society az a whole and all itz spectrumz MEAN BUZZY KUZZY

  4. Great video, well portrayed. If only people really knew how much of New Zealand actually do smoke weed, including "faces" we see on billboards asking for our vote

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