Getting Started GROWING WEED at HOME EASY with LED CANNABIS Grow Lights

We start up the grow tents for season 3 on the channel. A quick look at the first few weeks of growth for each of the strains for this season. We will be growing …

23 responses to “Getting Started GROWING WEED at HOME EASY with LED CANNABIS Grow Lights”

  1. im in a 2×3 tent right now running a 240w led light. do you think this light is good enough for the size of the tent and for my plants to produce massive fruits or should i really consider upgrading to a 340w light?

    and also im using my closet as a veg space and i am using a little mars hydro led light that i think is 100 wats or mabey a little more. the closet is 2×4 and im only vegging 2 plants in there, do you think the light im using in my veg room is also a pretty good fit seeing the plants are only in veg and dont need the most watts. or should i consider upgradeing that light aswell because plants do need more light and watts while vegging

    im REALLY new to growingπŸ˜† pls help me. thank you!

  2. love the channel and how informative you are. i can’t wait to see the harvest of this season! stay high, stay lifted πŸ€™πŸ»

  3. I've noticed you use quality tools which suggests to me you either work or have worked in the trades? Just a suggestion for the cold floor, look into Dri-Core. Its available at Home Depot, Lowes, etc. They come in 2' x 2' squares and have tongue and groove edges to connect together. There's 2 kinds. The insulated version is best. Cheers for the awesome videos.

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