Georgia's Senate Runoff Elections Are Critical to the Future of Legal Weed

Marijuana isn’t technically on the ballot in Georgia’s Jan. 5 Senate runoff elections. But it might as well be: Cannabis advocates and trade groups are zeroing in …

23 responses to “Georgia's Senate Runoff Elections Are Critical to the Future of Legal Weed”

  1. I’m somewhat conservative and don’t mind marijuana. It’s decriminalized where I live and all that has done is taxed it driving up the price and a big blow to the quality. Keep it illegal it was cheaper and better.

  2. "If the hideous monster frankenstein came face to face with the monster marijuana he would drop dead of fright''. That a virgin can have a baby. Oh yeah and all of the dead are inside of the Sun. Be nice to avoid the Sun but you can't walk the path to Eternal Life down on your knees in front of a hippie wearing a bedsheet. To Avoid Death: No Worship, No Slaves

  3. spread this georgia. if the dems control the senate we get legal weed. then we can celebrate trump being gone and mcconnell not being in the way anymore

  4. Imagine what else there could have been besides weed.
    5 extinction events happened in Earth's history that killed from 60% to 90% of all living beings. We probably lost millions of incredible flavors, fruits, food, and drugs that we will never ever experience.

  5. I used cannabis all my life.
    But this is the beginning of becoming a third world country legalized drugs not just maryjane but Snow White, White horse, crack rock, fetnyle, and pharmaceuticals will go over board and create cartels in the USA but long as they make money

  6. Psalm 14:1- The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.” . . .

    Proverbs 14:17- A quick-tempered man acts foolishly, . . .

    Proverbs 12:15- The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, . . .

    Proverbs 12:16- A fool’s anger is known at once, . . .

    Proverbs 19:3- The foolishness of man ruins his way, And his heart rages against the Lord.

    Proverbs 18:7- A fool’s mouth is his ruin, And his lips are the snare of his soul.

    Proverbs 26:4- Do not answer a fool according to his folly, Or you will also be like him.

    Proverbs 20:19- He who goes about as a slanderer reveals secrets, Therefore do not associate with a gossip.

    If you hang around fools you will become a fool

    Flee from gossip, rumors and foolish talk

    If you do not control your tongue it will backfire and burn you

    Your spiritual soul will be judged by God

    You will be held accountable for the words that you speak

    Allow the Spirit of God to train your thoughts

    Don't allow Satan to control your thoughts

  7. Plenty of conservatives smoke, in fact we prefer a full decriminalization. Let us actually grow the plant instead of taxing us to death. The left only wants to take more control.

  8. You know you guys want to legalize weed but millions of women and men that have children prior to this and they get caught having weed in their in their possession CPS steps in and take their children and then they get clean and sober and then you guys turn around and legalize this shit and the people they get their children taken away half of them don’t get them back but yet you guys want to legalize this weed

    The COVID-19 pandemic has been spreading across the world, and countless people are suffering. There is also the locust plague and floods. Do you think these are just coincidental occurrences? The Scripture even says that people will faint from fear and the expectation of the things which are coming upon the world. The day in which God brings His punishment upon this earth is this age because of the evil that people have committed.

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