Georgia Senate Bill 16 – Hearing 2/1/2017 Medical Cannabis Oil THC

A Georgia Senate subcommittee holds a hearing on a bill that would reduce the THC amount in “low THC oil” from 5% to 3%. Georgia CARE Project director …

20 responses to “Georgia Senate Bill 16 – Hearing 2/1/2017 Medical Cannabis Oil THC”

  1. THC is one of the only things to make it past the blood barrier to help the brain with things like brain cancer and remember we have been using this plant for over 10000 years please please look past the lies and learn the truth

  2. It's so frustrating to know the truth there are hundreds and hundreds of trials the endocannabinoid system is this amazing thing these people need to learn. Please please educate yourself cannabis is the safest thing in the world.

  3. I was dumbfounded when I was diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer. I couldn’t believe that at age 44, after lifelong vigilance about my health and steadfastly showing up for regular mammograms and sonograms, I not only had cancer, but it had metastasized throughout my bones. I had bought into the battle cry for early detection and tried to practice it. How could this be?
    Pain in my hand, neck and back, not a lump in my breast, got me to the hospital for an MRI. By the time my cancer was detected, the horse was out of the barn and surgery to remove it was no longer an option. Not wanting to travel, I was lucky to be able to take treatment at a clinic on Long Island near my home. Being ER and PR positive, at their direction I had my ovaries removed to reduce the estrogen in my body. I began an aromatase inhibitor to slow the progression of the disease and medication to reduce or delay bone damage from the cancer.

    It’s been a rough road and along the way I have tried to expand my options by exploring ways to supplement my traditional medical treatments, because i have been told about cannabis oil and how it has saved many lives. i ordered the oil via and it was delivered over to me and i can tell the world that i am now a cancer survivor

  4. Sad that people who know nothing about pot make the rules . They could care less . They only reason they have these meetings is to fool the sheeple into thinking that they care . They always claim it needs more study . It has been tested on humans for thousands of years with no bad results . What study can beat that ??? The laws against pot are beyond cruel . Notice how the Georgia care guy was cut off and lost his time ??  Look how long the pot hating so called doctor got .

  5. we All Are Winning Just Keep Pressing, And Holding On To This Fight Over "MotherNature" In The Erb Plants,And Erb Based Natural Potent Healing Green Plants Grown From Original Nature. We The People With Certain Illnesses Will Have It One Way,Or Another Way.

  6. About 20 minutes into video a doctor testifies that a patient recovered by using marijuana and that other patients have too. He says other drugs used by medical professionals have side effects and so does marijuana. So what?

  7. Dr. Rick Ward, 17:40 into video, representing American Academy of Pediatrics, supportive of CBD, disappointed in federal govt. keeping it at schedule 1, for science and research, but cannot support wide use yet because there is not enough evidence.

  8. Dr. Ben Watson is the guy in this video who introduced additional legislation to reduce THC content from 5% to 3%. He introduced legislation that will benefit his own medical clinics and groups he is with so that procedures that are legally required to be performed in hospitals can be performed in his clinics. Saw this on front page of Atlanta Journal Constitution newspaper a week or so ago. His answer about THC reduction is bullshit, particularly since he is a doctor and should be able to present EVIDENCE, not merely his opinion or preference or what other states do. James Bell is in this about 4:50 into video. Tony Cain

  9. There are several studies and Doctors who have Rx Cannabis, maybe you should pass this on also. The FDA patent on THC, CBD and other Cannabis compounds thus they speak with fork tongue, The DEA website had to remove propaganda from its website by court order this year, NIH has stated THC kills cancer. The Feds have several studies already.

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