Flushing Cannabis Plants – How to grow marijuana course for dummies – Growing Cannabis Indoors 101

How to grow marijuana course for dummies – Growing Cannabis Indoors 101 – Flushing Cannabis Plants. Learn to grow marijuana for dummies, a 10 lesson 101 …

48 responses to “Flushing Cannabis Plants – How to grow marijuana course for dummies – Growing Cannabis Indoors 101”

  1. I grow and use so hum soil and 760 watt hps light. this time I added only during the flower cycle… carbo load, Nirvana, and big bud. I believe the carbo-load and Nirvana are organic but the big bud is not. So do I need to flush since I've added those three. So hum Alone they say you don't need to flush. And from what I understand if it's an organic product you don't need to flush. But I wasn't able to find any organic big bud. It was all sold out everywhere. So I had to use the regular big bud. That's all the girls are getting is what's in the so hum, and now they're in week two almost three of flower I added the carbo load, the big bud, and the Nirvana. Any suggestions would be a great help. I'm trying to make things as simple as possible as I'm in a wheelchair in missing both my legs. I wasn't sure if I needed to do a full flush or a partial flesh would be okay since I'm only using the big bud that's not natural or organic. Thanks appreciate any info

  2. I see amber starting at week 1 of flower.

    And then even more trichomes start showing up. Gotta be patient and don't rely on just one indicator.

    One tip most people don't seem to talk about is calyx size. When they're all swollen it's getting real close.

  3. I have a question I hope some can answer. My first time growing. I have only used some big bloom nutrients about once a week for just the blooming stage. Do I have to flush my plants since I haven't used any other nutrients? Hope someone can help, its a 1st for me. Thanks.

  4. I’m ready to harvest but I have been growing using soil (fox farm ocean forest) will I need to flush? Also, a piece broke off and I dried and cured it but when I smoked it, it taste like the soil and didn’t burn correctly could you explain why is that?

  5. This is great. I like this method a lot better than the flush all at once one. Something doesn’t sit right about purposefully overwatering even once. Not to mention this one doesn’t flood your grow room

  6. Nice simple and direct course. You didn't say much about how to flush however. 1x a day? 3x a week? How much water to use etc. Stop 2 days before harvest? Nada.

  7. Alright sir I think I understand… so if the highly acidic and reactive solution boils over into the bunsen burner and blows up my trailer sky high, Im doing it wrong??

  8. This is my very first grow, and I’m growing hydroponically using a super closet. How does this affect flushing? I’m concerned my plants will not get what they need with just water. Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks for the videos, they’re really helpful.

  9. How much water do you use? I have a 12L and information I find says use 36L which doesn't sound right, or do you drop the ppm to its lowest level and then restart due to a phosphorus lockout?

  10. guys, sorry to interrupt but, you dont need a fekin microscop or jewlery loupe!!! just take your mobile phone -> get the pix app ready -> zoom in on ur bud-> get a steady nicely jobly focus -> take the pix : zoom in again under PS or whatever software like Windows Paint!!! here you go, home made microscop !!!

  11. Hey prof, i was hoping you had some tips for outdoor growers. My plants are just going into the veg cycle, ph is perfect, nuitrients are good, but there smaller and slower than last years crop… what can i do to give them a little kick start

  12. I gave up on molasses because besides being hard to get fast results do to chemical chain being very large it gave the different strains all kind of same taste and smell. So I use white, brown sugar and a couple of other things to give carbs. I wouldn't go back to molasses. Read the Nectar of the God's grrow manuel and Scott talks about molasses, tea's and whether to use it. Just a FYI do what makes baddest ie Best you can grow

  13. PATIENTS IS A VIRTUE y’all remember when ya grew ur first crop and just COULDNT WAIT went in ur grow and snipped off a bud if u were like me u snipped a NICE ONE to went and dried it on ur stove or in ur microwave lol I DID I was so disappointed PATIENTS PATIENTS PATIENTS 👋👋👍👍KEEPONKEEPINON

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