Federal Vote on Cannabis Legalization, 68% of American’s Support Legalization and More Cannabis News

Federal Vote on Cannabis Legalization, 68% of American’s Support Legalization and More Cannabis News Congress will vote on federal marijuana legalization …

34 responses to “Federal Vote on Cannabis Legalization, 68% of American’s Support Legalization and More Cannabis News”

  1. Thanks miggy for your service brother 🇺🇸❤🇺🇸❤🇺🇸❤🇺🇸❤🇺🇸❤🇺🇸❤🇺🇸❤🇺🇸❤🇺🇸❤🇺🇸❤🇺🇸❤🇺🇸❤

    Thanks to all that serves for our freedom

  2. Mitch doesn't care about WHAT Americans need, feel, or want… Facts! New blood needed… New blood needed… New blood needed! I am sooo tired of people making decisions regarding MY rights, and they are totally ignorant of the many positives medically AND emotionally, that it provides to many Americans!! Don't sit on what you're sitting on in these sessions on The Hill, and you don't know about, nor have you taken nonpsychoactive marijuana derived substances, to experience the beneficial health effects that many Americans feel! Also, if you've NEVER smoked marijuana, I don't want YOU making any decision regarding my rights, and if you have…I now have rights, and am OLD ENOUGH to have these rights! Also, SEVERAL HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS SENIORS ARE OVER MEDICATED WITH PILLS! Check out the medicine cabinets in Seniors homes…UNREAL!!! These pills work heavily on their kidneys, memory, etc., check your facts more before making a decision FOR ME, CONGRESS/SENATE!!! I mean really!

  3. Thanks for your service…. I’m republican and have seen Biden literally say we still need more “scientific data” in order to legalize it… I want pot legalized and alcohol to be illegal… I don’t understand how we can keep something that destroys families over and over… and ruins individuals lives… why do keep alcohol legal. Look I believe this country is controlled by dems and they are the real reason we can’t get it legalized. But anyways I agree waiting and waiting is just not gonna work. So i agree yes I want things to get better with marijuana

  4. It should have been done long long time ago and all drugs should be legalised as in the 10 commandments it says nothing about it just stay sober. You can be sober while you take painkillers too. So judgement is illegal according to the 10 commandments and when you ban any flower or plant to use for tea or smoke you just broke the ancient law! 10 commandments DO NOT JUDGE! To make war on drugs? On Plants and Flowers? Are you insane???? Painkillers. All contains the same. Wow how stupid you must be. Then drink and but please try stay sober and do not die as it is more dangerous than any drugs. Alcohol is the worst! And that is legal as it is taxed.

  5. Growing HEMP world wide would restore the soil while healing the ATMOSPHERE, create 'carbon' free fuel, boost economy.


    I wrecked my Harley without my helmet rolling it crushing my chest puncturing both lungs. This killed me. I was shocked back 3 times. Was in an 87 day coma waking with a 5.5 brain injury requiring relearning life.


    Me creating GOLD means nothing but 'you' creating GOLD because of what the CREATOR tells is 'everything'.


    I am GODS 'healing' warrior. Growing HEMP will 'restore' the soil, atmosphere, economy + create 'carbon' free fuel. There is a CREATOR and HE returned me from death to give this information.

    Because my doctor told me that BIG PHARMA will financially destroy any doctor that proves that THC restores brain injuries made me so upset that I taught myself MOLECULAR SCIENCE and created GOLD. You see I learned TEMPERING long ago and understood about heat manipulating molecules. When I went to the only gold shop in KALISPELL MONTANA and showed JB I reached 22K, he threw me out telling the 'city council' that I am creating FOOLS GOLD pass tests. You see copper is 179 atoms that will melt at 1400F to 1800F but 'atoms' must be brought to a boiling point that is 3500F and have no OXYGEN putting pressure against it or will expand exploding burning on contact. This must be done for 100 hours. 100 atoms will boil out and melted BORAX will absorb them leaving 79 atoms that is GOLD. All this was just to 'prove' that my 5.5 TBI is being restored with THC. You will lose 67% of weight in transition process. FEDERAL AGENT at CenturyLink4347 don't CYBER ATTACK me !

  6. black market is the source of freedom watch cannabis gona become big pharma dont let the dems make weed big pharma monsantos already paten there own strain …not good

  7. 😂 You guys are Democrats 😂 he’s not gone, sorry to burst your bubble. The fake news can’t call the election. Major voting fraud and inconsistencies in 6 major states. Recounts and law suites in play. Once it’s certified, Trump will get 4 more years. Republicans will take the house and senate.

  8. You want Trump. Don’t worry they will legalize it. We’re having a great old time up here in Canada. Police parked outside on the street and people just going in and out of the cannabis stores all day long. They’re the only stores that have line-ups all day long. Then people getting into their car with cannabis products from leaf to gummies and everything in between. Not to be stopped, bothered, or harassed. I parked right behind a cop car, went into the store, came out and walk passed them, got in my car and left!!! What a rush!!!

  9. If weed gets legalized federally and more states legalize, we can finally see a mending of the fracturing between communities and law enforcement over time hopefully. They say this plant is the healing of nations.

  10. Congress is afraid of legalization of marijuana because of the war powers act, ESPECIALLY with the type of intagration plan for Congress and the Senate neefs a pro pot Republican!

  11. They might take war powers away from Congress ESPECIALLY when they get gay in and marijuana DISABILITY people in who support marijuana legalization and the Senate will have war powers against ISIS!

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