Exposing the Myth of Smoked Medical Marijuana / Anti-Marijuana PSA Video

Exposing the Myth of Smoked Medical Marijuana / PSA VideoExposing the Myth of Smoked Medical Marijuana. Q. Does marijuana have any medical value?

26 responses to “Exposing the Myth of Smoked Medical Marijuana / Anti-Marijuana PSA Video”

  1. I started smoking in 67. At that time in mid america, there weren't many of us. I can't say weed led to other drugs, but I wanted to do everything, and pretty much did. When I was almost 29, I had severe chest pains and had to go to the er. After the ekg, the first thing the doctor told me, but feeling of my stomach was my pancreas and liver were both enlarged. He told me if I didn't slow way down, I wasn't going to make it. Eventually, I was diagnosed as bi poler. It wasn't caused by drugs but I definitely self medicated. I finally quit smoking weed when I got on anti depressants and the weed started me having panic attacks. A couple things I do know. The weed today is nothing like what we smoked in the 60's. Bags were $10. Pounds for around a hundred. You never had one hit pot like it is today. I rarely smoke at all now because he high isn't what it used to be. I do think our pot laws suck. There is one thing that we never admitted to and smokers don't, today. There is a lot of difference between getting high a few times a year like a social drinker gets a little too drunk and living your life stoned. If you are stoned almost your entire waking hours, you are no different than an alcoholic. Your drug of choice is just different. At my age, I have lost a lot of friends, but of the regular pot smokers there does seem to be an unusually high number of lung cancer deaths. It might be coincidence. I don't know. I am glad we live in a world that still has some freedoms. Pot should be treated like alcohol. Same punishment for the same offenses. At your home, and of age, it's fine, but driving loaded gets you in jail. It's here to stay. I just hope that somewhere in all the talk is the truth and we can find it.

  2. As for the gateway: Illegal=easier for dealers to advertise other drugs also people will think it's only as harmful as the drugs in the same schedule which means they may feel more open to try those drugs since cannabis is 'just as dangerous'. Many of the institutes that you mentioned are related to the government so of course they wont approve of it.

  3. i tell all you smokers something,if you want to smoke weed go right ahead.thats one less loser on the face of the earth i have to look at. i'm 43 and never smoked anything or used any kind of drug in my life.i just want to know whats so cool or hard about looking or feeling fucked up? that shit does'nt impress me or anyone with common sense.everyday world wide people become fucking losers in life because their to fucking weak to say no.so keep smoking u bad breathe motherfuckers.

  4. i smoked for 10 years , i quit many times but this last year i smoked a lot of weed every day I quit smoking 3 months a ago developed a dry cough , with small phlegm chunks that I 'm coughing up. Fuck weed I wasted 10 years smoking it I had fun , but I want to be healthy, less prone to any cancer if I can help it.

  5. I agree. i cant believe there are so many thumbs down…like seriously it may not be like a hard drug but then again, i do some it once in a while, so by personal experience, i do believe whats said in this video are facts. It affect shirt term memory big time. I feel so slow, even the next day after the effects have worn off. marijuana is so misjudged.

  6. I have to say that I'm gonna quit today……………………but right after this last meeting with mary jane, but for sure I'm quiting no bs, that's called addiction so lay off the weed man and grap a book 🙂

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