Everything an Air Purifier Can and Can't Do

Air purifiers are not complicated machines: Fundamentally, they’re just a dense filter and a fan that draws air through it. But there’s a fair amount of confusion …

34 responses to “Everything an Air Purifier Can and Can't Do”

  1. IMPORTANT: It turns out we spoke too soon in our assessment of HEPA filters' effectiveness in capturing airborne bacteria and viruses. In fact, a HEPA filter can capture close to 100% of bacteria in the air, as well as a smaller percentage of viruses. Many hospitals actually use HEPA filters to reduce the amount of bacteria and other pathogens in the air.

  2. The problem with the Dyson Hot & Cool is that it has a fundamental flaw which Dyson does not seem to know how to fix. I bought one of these and after about 4 months use it developed a high pitched whining noise (rather irritating). Since it was under a 2 year warranty, I had it returned to Dyson and after some hassle, Dyson sent me a replacement, which I’ve been using now for about 3 months and it too has developed the same high pitched whining noise problem. Clearly this product is unreliable and it has been more trouble than it’s worth. Since there is still time left on the 2 year warranty, I shall return it to Dyson, to decide what they intend to do about it. I have lost all faith in this company and regret having bought it. Disappointing. I hope that Dyson just gives me a refund, rather than send me yet another one which will start to whine after about 3 months….. and then what ? Send it back to them again ?

  3. What would be a better filter a HEPA filter or running your air through water would the water be a better or worse filter than the HEPA filter

  4. Really important that no one seems to mention is placement within the room. Also, in reality, you are not really cleaning a whole room, depending on size. you should move the unit around the room.. I have wok cooked 10 feet from my Winix,(C 545), only to not see the indicator light change to yellow or red. It is pretty simple, right? These rely on the air getting to them in various ways. drafts within the room or by the circulation fan within the unit moving air. Either method is not very efficient for "cleaning" the air. Ultimately for filtering air in a room you are going to have more than one purifier and set them at different levels (height). The notion of cleaning your whole living room/family room/ kitchen with one unit is a complete joke. Unless you manually move the unit around…

  5. This was very helpful. I am looking for something that removes odors from the air and I was under the impression an air purifier was what I needed. What would be a better machine for removing pet odors? Thank you so much.

  6. If you want to get rid of stinky volatile organic compounds, what you want is an ozone generator! The unstable third oxygen in 03 breaks off and latches readily to oragnic compunds.

    but disclaimer, do not run an ozone generator in the same airspace as anything living, as YOU and your lvoed ones are also organic

  7. My honeywell says it DOES eliminate odors… My first night with it on determined that to be a lie… It is now morning and the scent of that vegan sausage is not gone. It was good but I don't want to be smelling it all night. Is there one you recommend that indeed does eliminate odors and not just advertises it falsely? thanks!

  8. One of your major messages is that air purifiers can't filter VOC. HEPA filters can't filter out VOC, but many air purifiers have carbon filters to filter VOC out.

  9. Great video. The trailing off in volume at the end of some of the sentences is tough. And I have some pretty great hearing, overall. Could be that the mix of the background music is a bit too high in some spots. But again, there is a trailing off in volume of the last few words of some sentences. Maybe try to think about avoiding that. Just a tip from some random youtube viewer, but hopefully it can help on production of future videos!

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