23 responses to “Emily – Lymphoma Cancer Survivor – Medical Marijuana Treatment”

  1. ▬▬► Hi friends. If you оr аaa lоved onе nееds helр with drugs or аlсcccоhol addiсcссtion CALL ►►► 1-888-966-2616 (Toll-Free)
    Dооn't wаit until its too lateeе whеre therе is life thееre is hoре реace and blessings!

  2. Hello and thanks you for sharing your video xx.  I saved your video to my Facebook. How is everything now?  do you still use cannabis for medical ? 

  3. @FUNBOY1377 I find the analog (not digital) Volacano to be perfect at the 41/2 setting, but I think you could turn it up to as high as 6 without problems, but the lower the setting the better for your lungs, so long as it vaporizes the trichomes, and essential oils.

  4. @spokoziomTHC type in goggle "spain study medical marijuana cancer cells" and you will find the actual study published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation. Also, look into other herbs, that help with cancer if marijuana just isn't an option. it typically takes three months to destroy cancer. Also, look up pheonix oil. I hope you get through it, keep you head up, and stay positive. Good luck.

  5. @spokoziomTHC If you have lymphoma I would take the risk. It can kill cancer cells, there is a spain study, and one in france, that were both tested on people with cancer, the results were excellent! Not only does it cause the cancer cells to destroy themselves, but it also leaves the normal cells unharmed. Eating it can be intense, so it's best if you take small doses often instead of a large dose. My mother has cancer, and her tumors are shrinking in size from cannabis! It works.

  6. @spokoziomTHC What are the penatlties for getting caught growing it? You could order a book, the soil, the nutrients, and the seeds, all on line. Just make sure your country does not have insane penalties, or it may not be worth the risk. I never grew before it was legal for me to do so (medically), because I fear jail, and prison. At least it's state legal, though there is always the risk of federal prosecution, but it's very unlikely, because at this time, they are not coming after patients.

  7. Her Lymph system wound've simply been backed up too long eating too much acid forming food like meat , grains and dairy, and her kidney's not filtering that lymph because of low adrenal function. Check out Dr Robert Morse on this subject.

  8. @sleepingweed420 Make it yourself at home friend, its easy if a little dangerous but safe if you know how to do it. I followed Rick Simpsons instructions for making his hemp oil at home for my uncle who had terminal cancer and within 3 months it was gone. The hard part for me was convincing him and the family that it was safe and works. Trust yourself and follow your passion. Dont believe the propaganda. And good luck with your beautiful quest. Peace and love brother

  9. @brizzlestick If you eat weed, or better yet oil (concentrated cannabinoids) it will cure your cancer. Smoking it only gives you a small percent of the therapeutic benefits.

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