Does Smoking Weed Cause Cancer?

We inhale weed deeper than cigarettes and hold it in longer, but smoking tobacco can cause cancer while smoking marijuana can help prevent it. How is this possible? May 31 is World No Tobacco…

33 responses to “Does Smoking Weed Cause Cancer?”

  1. You all should be more worried about the toxic Chemicals sprayed on tobacco then tobacco itself.

    Once marijuana becomes fully legalised, big industries will do the same with marijuana and spray a ton of pesticides on it, making marijuana just as toxic.

    Tobacco wasn't as bad as it is today, in the past before it was mass produced.

  2. i mix tobaco and weed because i do t have to much weed and also am i regular tobaco smoker and non regular weed smoker because i dont have money to get weed and its illegal

  3. 👌👌👌😂😂😂I'm so happy because know if my mother goes on with me I can tell her that my brother is not the best because he smokes cigarettes and I smoke marry Jane

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