Does Smoking Marijuana Cause Lung Cancer? (& Benefits of the Cannabis Plant) – Dr. Patrick Quillin

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29 responses to “Does Smoking Marijuana Cause Lung Cancer? (& Benefits of the Cannabis Plant) – Dr. Patrick Quillin”

  1. Putting smoke into your lungs is bad you shouldn’t be putting anything in your lungs except air,but my point of view of weed is that weed isn’t very harmful at all I have ADHD and it actually helps to keep me calm and still and I actually do exercise on a daily basis so my thoughts on weed is that it’s not bad but it is a gate way drug to many other bad harmful drugs but do keep in mind that putting smoke into our lungs is automatically considered unhealthy, but in terms of comparison weed is way more healthier then Tobacco and alcohol‼️💯

  2. This guy is obviously in medical marijuana sales
    No mention of all of the other social effects
    How it breaks down a person's morals and values
    nearly all marijuana users have the exact same social problems as alcholoics
    difficulty retaining a job , broken families , unwanted children ,abortions

  3. Although I agree that cannabis is great for your body on certain situations.. but, if you smoke it..meaning, if you inhale smoke into your lungs, that is definitely not good for your lungs at all… smoking ANYTHING increases the chances of developing lung cancer…it's not the Marijuana, it's the smoke…think about it.. smoke SHOULD NOT be in your lungs.. PERIOD

  4. To show the true ignorance of the folks reading this… If lung cancer was a disease and the tumor or lung was removed… why does it come back or resurface? Answer: lung cancer is not a disease. Cancer is the disease – and it manifests in the form of tumors (abnormal cell growth) in locations in the body where there is weakness. Now… you know that the term 'remission' is fictitious. Just a term created by the medical industry to give to the ignorant population… for the period of time when the cancer lays dormant (like Hep C). Because… the chance of surgery, chemo and radiation killing the cancer completely is just plain stupid. 2% of patients will make it to the 5 year mark. I have truly lost interest in the ignorance of the American people. All of you are so easily fooled. Luke 8:17 it is time…

  5. No such thing as lung cancer… true. What?? Read my explanation of cancer (Cancer the truth…) . The real explanation… how cancer actually works… which very few know about. It included 2 (yes, two cures). Really? Yup.

  6. thanks Ty among the most awesomely informative videos, not enough people know the many miraculous curing abilities of this plant ~ so many examples out there but most need to be hidden as like he said this can mean heavy criminal implications for most of north americans ~ thanks to the luciferian globalist agenda to weaken, damage, kill us off~ project 2030 scary direction in which we are headed

  7. thank you for your public service Ty , this video popped up as I was packing a bowl, so I had to watch, I agree with everything he said 🙂 I live in California, have a great day and thanks again

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