Does Marijuana Cause Permanent Brain Damage in Adults?

How much cannabis is too much for those who start smoking as adults? Subscribe to’s free e-newsletter and receive a recipe from Dr. Greger’s …

42 responses to “Does Marijuana Cause Permanent Brain Damage in Adults?”

  1. I started smoking weed once a week from ages 15 to 18. Would that be seen as a regular teen smoker?? I then stopped for a year and started again at 19 years old and have been doing so everyday for 8 years.

    But does my teenage smoking count as a regular smoker? Or have I luckily escaped that and therefore still have a chance to have a normal healthy brain??

    Remember it was once a week! Friday high day, a couple joints between 3/4 people. Let me know please!

  2. It's not the marijuana's fault. It's more of a "if you don't use it, you'll lose it" kind of thing. When you're high you don't do things conducive to stimulating and exercising the brain. In other words, I bet if they had a control group that did everything the weed smokers did except smoke weed, then their brain performance would go down too, just like the taxi driver in the video.

  3. I like the way information is broken down in your videos with the upclose highlights of the research studies…what type of software or editing software is utilized to produce this effect?!

  4. You people who defend smoking weed every day all day are sick, stop the BS, weed is addictive……..I should know, I quit after thirdly years of heavy heavy smoking , DUI is the only reason I stopped, the drug testing, fail jail, there!!! Do I feel better after 8 months clean? Fuck yea!!!! Will I smoke again? Yes, it's my choice, so I can do what I want! Do I wanna smoke like before? No, I must be strong minded, or fall asleep again! It's so easy to let the weed have my body and mind! I love her, I'm just free of her at the moment! Jane will never brake up with me, but I could leave her though

  5. What if you only smoke it once every few months, would that also cause damage. Also, what about bongs, are they better or worse for your health than joints

  6. I think if you have too much, it will reduce creativity, but when I have an optimal dose, I'm pretty damn sure that the creativity I experience isn't an illusion. I hear awesome pieces of music created on the fly in my head, in an effortless way, something I never get sober, even if I try. It feels like my mind goes with the flow more and will explore new trains of thought it otherwise wouldn't.
    edit; I'm interested if these studies controlled for whether or not people were having within the optimal dose range for cannabis. The biphasic dosing effect means high doses worsen symptoms, and I suspect most people don't pay attention to optimally dosing themselves.

    Some info on biphasic dosing if you're curious on what it means:

    Though there's also twins studies that don't account for the dosing, but found no noteworthy difference between a cannabis-using twin and non-using twin, with any shared decline instead being explained by family background factors the twin adolescents shared;

  7. I had a friend back in college like 15 years ago at Virginia Tech and all he would do was smoke weed and he was still a very smart person, He would always smoke it whatever free time he had and i would say weed probably makes you smarter.

  8. Its nice to see on paper what is seen in clinic. Remember, this is not the ultra-low TCH medical use marijuana, this is the High TCH Recreational Use Marijuana. Come on, did you think a toxic substance that can affect cognitive function crossing the blood-brain barrier would not be harmful? Ever wonder where the term 'swiss cheese affect' came from when people talk about the brain of older long-term alcoholics? The THC in Marijuana is no different, Toxic chemicals damage, luckily we can recover if not over done. Some of the 'exploring' that occurred as you were young (I was in highschool in the 70's) as long as it was not a lot should do no harm, but if you kept denying life's lessons into your 20's, then you may see the brain damage, or not…. 😉

  9. The point is that it does cause impairment and there is also a spectrum of reactions, people are chronic users, they aren't going to stop for 15 years to repair the structural changes noted. Also, please keep in mind that weed is becoming more and more potent as time goes by and these studies are going to rapidly be less reliable with the new potent strains. Not to mention these studies are very limited in scope. We do have entheogenic use in traditional cultures and in these cases it was not used except in very limited circumstances on a frequent basis. I am afraid that those limited studies outstanding, what we have going on is a widespread cultural delusion of it not having any negative effects at all and a widespread experiment of a great deal of people using it in ways and doses and frequencies that any traditional culture associated with its use would caution heavily against.

  10. How about more risk for new psychosis (even not related to familial psychosis) on a cohort of ~4000 teens. JAMA June 2018 number. Stay tunned for the next nutritionfacts video on THC 😉

  11. Its not the cannabinoids that are the problem, its the smoke. Another problem is bad science. Ive been taking cannabis oil for 5 years now. Cannabis oil saved my life and my IQ, coodination, logic and creativity have been enhanced, not reduced.

  12. My junior year I started smoking weed daily before school. My grades went from D's to B's and A's. I doubt if it made me smarter. I was just so paranoid of getting caught I did my worked and didn't say nothing even did my work in class which I've never done previously.

  13. I can think of No Other Drug or substance that the people have had to force the government's hand. The government is here because the people created it and gave it enumerated powers, outside of those Powers it has none. This is why they needed to pass a constitutional amendment to ban alcohol. It's just more proof that any ban on a substance is unconstitutional and the people pushing it should be arrested for all the damage they've done to society. Furthermore, their property should be used to pay damages to those who have been imprisoned and injured due to the crime created by increased prices for products that should be legal and relatively cheap. It doesn't affect me at all if somebody wants to smoke crack or heroin, but when the police enforce laws that make it more expensive, and it forces people who are addicted to the drug to break laws, that is a problem for me. That means that the law enforcement and the legal system is the problem that is causing the injury. Remove that problem and we will have solved the drug issue. Nobody should be concerned with what other people are doing in their house. If you are concerned with what other people are doing in their house then maybe we should come into your house and make sure that you have everything in order and legal. I mean, what do you have to hide?

  14. I see that you are only making anti-marijuana studies, but there are also studies for marijuana and cancer (glioblastoma etc…) it would also be nice to add a link to the studies in video description (pubmed etc..)


  15. I told myself to take a break for at least 4 weeks each time, and I did, sometimes more, sometimes less.
    Since 16, now I'm 18. I wonder if it has much impact on my brain, even though I take these breaks and if I should do less..

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