Does Marijuana Affect Brain Structure?

Dr. Martin Paulus explains a recent review of scientific studies describing the effect of cannabis (marijuana) use on the structure of the brain.

34 responses to “Does Marijuana Affect Brain Structure?”

  1. I'm in my 50's now, but when I was a teenager I smoked once or twice a week for a year or so. In my case, it did noticeable harm to my brain, as my senses, (vision, hearing ect) became permanently dulled and adversely effected. This happened to me pretty quickly the last few times I used, and it sent me into a deep depression at the time… I was 16 then, and I know for sure it was from the cannabis I smoked… The dullness never cleared up, and I just learned to live with it. 

  2. That's funny, another study recently claimed different areas of the brain were affected by long term chronic use. It all seems like BS. Everyones lied for decades and now you want to get all science on us?  CRY WOLF!

  3. Wish he would have mentioned if the effects on the amygdaloid and hippocampus were good or bad. Simply stating that it changed the structures and so could change the respectable performance is poor.

  4. Truth is that a friend of mine after smoking too much weed (almost on a daily basis,and it was shitty weed too) he lost touch of reality, not completely, but he thought that every thing was made out of paper 😛
    Although it may sound terrifying, he just stopped smoking for a couple of weeks and everything went back to normal! Weed can turn out to be hazardous if abused, but it's not that big of a deal…

  5. well unlike uncaring people like you, i for one want a healthy brain, i dont know about you but memory is important to me so if that means i stop smoking weed then im going to stop, hopefully more research will be done

  6. Maybe some people are affected differently but you can't blame marijuana for this, maybe it's the THC that is effecting him but even if that is the case then I recommend getting a completely CBD stain which in the long run can help your son. Psychosis is where you can't not tell what is reality which can only be caused by a hallucinogen such as shrooms so I'm thinking that your son may have taken something similar to that. Just trying to help 🙂

  7. Actually you can get 20%-30% THC medicinally too and on the street the only difference between the two is that medicinal marijuana is checked thoroughly, unlike street drugs where you have no idea where it came from or what chemicals were used on it.

  8. How come there isnt more studies like this? I mean… the truth, both the negative and/or positive effects from smoking cannabis should be aviable for everyone. Take one look on google for instance, its either some douchebag trying to tell you how bad it is, or some pothead promoting it's good effects. Why cant there be more reliable and objective sources so i can make my own conclution?

  9. One important thing to note: When studies are done on Marijuana, the THC levels are typically very low (1% – 3%). These levels are consistent with medical marijuana. Marijuana that is typically purchased from "street vendors" or "dealers" typically deal with THC levels ranging from 20% to 30%.

    This fact is often overlooked or omitted by both researchers and the public in general.

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