Democratic Senate to Federally Legalize Marijuana In 2021?

Democratic Senate to Federally Legalize Marijuana In 2021? U.S. Senator from Oregon Ron Wyden tweeted, “We can’t address our country’s racial inequality …

43 responses to “Democratic Senate to Federally Legalize Marijuana In 2021?”

  1. Rotten Banana Republic, with a Supreme leader making a record of executive orders.kill jobs,send troops back to Syria,poor tax ,and let china have control of their power grid.

  2. I believe it would be possible around mid term elections. Not just yet. Also, Mitch McConnell stands against it. So if he doesnt pass it through it wont happen. Corona virus needs to be gone before they push it through the floor to get passed smoothly

  3. This would be nice but I highly doubt it will happen in New York state. I could careless about buying it legally, I want to be able to grow a nuff to last the year & without needing a permit or paying any tax on it.

  4. The majority of states do have legalized cannnibis. You're wrong.
    You're meaning recreational.
    Even then it's not fully legal either because only few people can profit from it.

  5. At least Trump pardoned John Knock. The guy was serving 2 life sentences plus 20 years for trafficking in cannnibis.
    A non-violent offender.
    Guess his race? Thats right people he's Caucasian. Sick of this shit only people of color are wrongly sentenced for cannnibis.

    Trump pardoned 9 cannnibis non-violent offenders serving life.

  6. If only my state would vote Mitch out. Kentucky will never get anything done with him in charge. Thinking about going Left next time just for that sweet Marry Jane if nothing happens this year or the next.

  7. These are Democrats were talking about ,you know Democrats are do___ dems
    Ct has had two dem governors that have run on legislation (and won)but you know the do__ dems 🙁

  8. Would this include people who were actually arrested for cannabis related charges? Asking for peopke who know Bill Clinton has been admittedly guilty of possession of a controlled substance without consequence.

  9. Ive been prescribed very harmful pills for sleep, anxiety and pain with horrible temporary and long term effects. Now all I do is smoke weed and Ive never felt better. Maybe there is side effects with weed but there are far less. All I know is I feel great 😁

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