20 responses to “CT SCANS of a Stg 4 Breast Cancer Patient treated with CANNABIS OIL & PARP INHIBITOR DNA DRUG”

  1. A great testimony i must share to all cancer patient in the world i never believed that their could be any complete cure for lung cancer or any cancer,i saw peopleโ€™s testimony on blog sites ricksimpson98@gmail.com)of how Rick Simpson cannabis oil brought them back to life again i had to try it too and you cant believe that in just few weeks i started using it all my pains stop gradually, and i had to leave without using the drugs the doctor gave to me,right now i can tell you that for months now i have never had any pain and i have just went for text and the doctor confirmed that there is no trace of any cancer again,glory be to Jesus for leading me to this genuine man called Rick Simpson, i am so happy for sharing this testimony,my advice to you people that think that their is no cure for cancer,just contact and get the oil treatment from Rick Simpson try it and you will not regret it because it truly works and here is his email(ricksimpson98@gmail.com) God bless you all and i wish you a quick recovery

  2. Drug dealers,
    This is for your audience , people, don't listen to this dirty money makers.
    Hemp and marijuana are grown for different uses, and therefore require different growing conditions.
    Hemp concentrations of THC is extremely low, it won't give the high and tall, fast growing plants optimized for higher stalk harvests, the use is for clothing and many other materials and foods.
    Hemp plant produces more CDB.

    Marijuana is a addicting drug that makes numb and stupid. It separates users from reality. It does give the high.

  3. I want to lift you up to the highest high of GRATITUDE! Thank you for sharing this, it is giving faith when so needed! You are so very hugely Admired for your generosity and faith and success!

  4. It is not that the pharmaceutical companies r greedy. It is that with all the money that get donated for cancer research ONLY 2% goes to research stage 4 cancer. I guess they think we are gonna die, why cure them. ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™

  5. Legalize Cannabis For Cats! (Beer for dogs?)
    Look up the comp. animation of how Cannabis compounds plug into cancer cells and order them to die; while making healthy cells happy – a truly intelligent molecule?

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