30 responses to “Could Arizona legalize marijuana?”

  1. I have a migraine disorder, It runs in the family. Through the use of medical marijuana I went from having 5 headaches a week to only having 1 headache every few months. Cannabis should be in the hands of the free market not the Federal government

  2. All I hear is more job opportunities more tax revenue and less crime. Tobacco, pharmaceutical drugs, and alcohol are worse. Never heard of anyone dying from Green use overdose, or domestic violence from usage. Never hear about anyone going bankrupt from trying to pay for this medicine. Never hear about side effects. Shut up Karen! Teen usage? Well parents can educate their kids about it just like with cigs, booze, and pills. VOTE YES. You don't have to be a user to be supportive.

  3. Yes to prop 207 – and hire me to show you the way – with the right funding from the billions of dollars in taxes I can show you a way of keeping our cities and communities safer for all – thinking out of the box – technocratic engineering research and design RnD – you think DARPA is the think tank we need – before the RAND invasion we had Bell labs and the Motorola miracle chip that revolutionize the world. Again, thinking out of the box technologies.

  4. Yes to prop 207 – every little bit of taxes to fund schools will help – every drop – this way my property taxes will not go up – let's take it a step further and put a ceiling on property taxes and let's make this taxable consumer product work for all Arizona.

  5. Ok , So do you want your children’s Bus drivers smoking on their lunch break and then bringing your children home. Since when are drugs used by ONLY RESPONSIBLE ADULTS. REALLY PEOPLE !!! Say No !! This sends the wrong message to our youth!!!

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