Comparing a Topped Plant with a Low Stress Trained Plant

NOTE: The following documentary depicts legal cannabis horticulture within the state of California under the Adult Use of Marijuana Act. This video is for …

47 responses to “Comparing a Topped Plant with a Low Stress Trained Plant”

  1. Great video. I love the time-lapse, really shows how much life is in these plants. Why wait so long to top it tho? Id feel bad cutting that much off ha. No but really whats the difference in cutting right when the 5th node starts growing vs cutting this much growth off? It also looks like you have some sort of pest in the soil?

  2. Hey I know it's an older video but I was wondering if you top how many times do you recommend and how long you would wait between each time you top
    Keep posting quality content ✌️

  3. You somewhat tainted the test right away by removing as much top as you did…the lst plant has a significant advantage right away…if it were me I would've done a standard tip topping to keep both plants node numbers somewhat even from the start…cutting the plant damn near in half was kinda hard to watch lol

  4. Camera shots were dope. U just didn't do the topping right. If u topped it rite the lower nodes would have started a new stalk. An so on. That just reminded just four colas

  5. Hey man, sweet vid. Good info to have that’a for sure. I’m wondering what camera setup you use for time lapse? And editing software. I use iMovie, but most of my filming is done with my iPhone. I’d like to get a camera like yours for time lapsing. Have a good day brother 🔥🔥

  6. This terrible.

    Top your plants and remove the bottom 1/3 of the plant that won't receive sufficient light and bam you'll have multiple large top colas and an even flat canopy. The goal is to have a flat even canopy. End of story.

    Those plants are hideous and I'm not one to criticize…

    Just sayin

  7. Nice job!

    I just have a question bud.
    Im new to the game and a fan of DIY.
    Can i grow one or two cannabis plants with this LED bulb set up?

    3 LED bulbs 19w/150w Phil LED 2700k 2500lm
    5 LED bulbs 10w/75w Phil LED 6500k 1055lm
    15 LED bulbs 13w/100w Phil LED 2700k 1521lm

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