Charlotte's Web CBD Oil Review

********************************************************* Source Based out of Colorado, Charlotte’s Web also sources their hemp extracted oils from plants …

10 responses to “Charlotte's Web CBD Oil Review”

  1. I believe that the dosage of 17mg is for using two droppers "full" (it fills up about 2/3 of the way) of the 30ml size bottle. If you had the 100ml size bottle the dropper is bigger and therefore the 17mg dose would be one dropper "full".☺

  2. Help please! how many drops and strenght should my mother be given? she is always in pain because of her pancreatic cancer. Methadone has a lot of side effects and she felt better one day that someone in the hospital gave her some drops of cbd

  3. Correction to your description…the max strength used to only be available at in-person stores but it's now available on their site. I know because I've ordered it multiple times. 🙂✌

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