Certo Marijuana Detox to Pass Drug Test | CERTO METHOD WORKS 2019!

Let’s Psych Your Perspective**** Watch Shottie Rozay’s video: So……I applied to a factory job….of course …

37 responses to “Certo Marijuana Detox to Pass Drug Test | CERTO METHOD WORKS 2019!”

  1. Have my drug test in about 1 hour, I drank 2 gatorades with sure jell one last night and 1 this morning along with Cranberry juice, a gallon of water and b12, ill update you after

  2. Yo! Certo worked for me but I took some precautions
    Before my test I went 4 days sober drinking a shit ton of water
    Pissed 5 times before my test and drank some coffee to add color
    Everything went well good luck

  3. Does this really I hit a blunt one time 6 days ago before that I smoked 2 weeks ago I have a drug test at 3 today I used one packet and I can only find a 28 Oz Gatorade I also drink a gallon… Do you think this will work for me

  4. Alright so im going to try this technique. I have a drug test in 4 hours and i just smoked last night at 7 pm. I will update you all on how i did🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  5. Followed each step to the letter and failed miserably.
    Thank God I pre-tested.
    I'm convinced this Certo has absolutely nothing to do with passing this test
    It's massive water Dilution and nothing else.
    Target has a box of 10 THC test strips for 10 bucks.
    I failed all of them.
    I would NOT rely on this Certo shit.
    Good Luck.

  6. Hey. Did the certo method on the day of my test. Don’t think I drank enough water, but tested myself 10 min before and 10 min after my actual test (I live really close to the clinic I tested in) and was negative both times. You think I should be good for the actual lab test?

  7. Don’t work. U have to be clean for a good minute and mayyybbeee u might get lucky but I’m a prime example, it didn’t work a couple times with my freedom on the line (parole) but one time it did work but I smoked for like a week or two and stopped for another two or three and barley came out clean

  8. Did this method & long story short my test came back “too diluted” 🥺 Gotta take the test again, I’m gonna use the certo again & not drink nearly as much water as I typically drink or did the day of the test. I am now 15 days clean, prior to that I was 9 days clean when I took the first test..Any other tips?

  9. Certo worked for a friend of mine ;)He smoked the day before too (WOULDN'T RECOMMEND IT) He got 2 packs of the certo and 4 32 oz bottles of Gatorade. Drank 2 gatorades about 6 hours from the test, then 2 more, of course each mixed with one pack of certo…about 1.5 hours before the test. When he arrived he peed one more time right before the test so that when he went in he wouldn't be able to pee for the test.  After that they should send you back to the lobby to drink water, 20 minutes later of course it's time for the test. He did that so he didn't have to worry about the color of the urine, because now they expect it to be a lil light since you JUST drank some water. Passed the test and got the job

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