CBD to Treat Covid-19 – Does it Work?

CBD #Cannabis My name is Dr. Jon Kaiser and I’m an Integrative Medicine physician located in California. I have over thirty years of experience treating …

18 responses to “CBD to Treat Covid-19 – Does it Work?”

  1. I bought the CBD isolate and add it to MCT oil for a coffee add. It gives me great mental clarity and all day energy. Today i need to make some more but I will add some decarbonated cannabis for some THC in the MCT oil to get more pain relief.

  2. I can tell you cbd was a Godsend for me. I couldnt shake the after effects of covid, felt like my body wouldnt stop fighting an illness that was long gone. After the first time smoking cbd flower i felt like my body hit the reset / reboot button and after two or three uses i forgot about the lingering symptoms and was finally able to resume life. Unbelievable how much it helped when nothing else would. Not even a clean paleo diet was getting me on my feet. Smoke 2 joints, thats the cure. Well for me i never had a cough, otherwise i would have got suppliments or tinctures.

  3. Dr. Kaiser you are not very well known with 250 subscribers. Tell me please, why is it that the most gifted people are heard the least and the world listens to too much nonsense, hence we remain stuck? We go into space, even went on the moon, with plans to missions to Mars, yet how many diseases are there that affect the animal kingdom? And how many do you know there exists a proper cure, and I don't mean a bullsh*t cure in the form of ionising rediation or even worst chemoterapy that weakens the body and it's immune system. A cure is a medicine or a form of treatment, that first of all, does not hurt the organisim, second of all strengthens the organisim, third of all deals with the problem from the root of the problem to deal with the actual problem and not with the symptoms of the problem, that what many pharmaceutical drugs do, they eliminate the symptom without dealing with the problem, thereby creating life long customers that need to buy this bullsh*t to maintain a normal life. Honestly Dr. Kaiser, only I with the help of like minded people had the time and energy that the pharmaceutical companies had since they demonised LSD, that number 17 or whatever number of diseases you actually have a cure for at present, would be the number of diseases still left to be solved.

  4. Dr. Jon Kaiser, you are someone who I call a true doctor of medicine! I mean it from the depths of my heart. A true doctor's role is to save human life no matter what! You are doing your Almighty given vocation. I need to tell you a lot of things, all in the right time. Both CBD and THC are essential.

    I vaporised cannabis (not even specifically decarboxylated at 100C for an hour) to the symptoms of COVID-19 and the symptoms where that I suddenly became short of breath, like I was slowly semi-suffocating. Understanding the role of endocanabinoid system, I predicted before that cannabis was the solution, but I had no means to test it unless I myself had such symptoms to at least indicate a possible coronavirus infection. When it happened, I had some high quality hashish from a friend who actually made this stuff in Morroco, and he gave me a little bit, so I had this at home. I personally do not like to use marijuana to get high, because it does the opposite effect to what I desire in general, though it depends on the strand and so on, but I dislike in general the high or rather it is something special to me that needs to be treated with respect. As a teenager I did abuse it for 4 months in a row, but then something happened, another miracle molecule cured me of my cannabis psychological habit, but that is a matter of psychiatric medicine and the future of it.

    Going back to the experience with COVID-19 symptoms, I had a little bit of that hashish which was in my drawer for months without use, I knew I had to test this treatment on myself, like a proper doctor would do, despite I am a medicinal chemist, despite my original intention was to become a doctor of medicine, they rejected me two years in a row from St George's Medical School, I guess they reasoned, I would make a better doctor as a chemist, and they were correct, cause the chemist equips the doctors with the cures, unlike today they are not many to be found, you reason?

    I vaporized this hashish and right away, the first effect is that the body calms down. That is number one effect. The second, the person is able to start to breath normally, as though you could suddenly catch your breath. Not something you would reason to happen after vaporising marijuana, right? But that is what happened.

    Two hours later, the same attack of semi-suffocation took place, so I understood, these symptoms are a work of something in my body. It is hard to describe, semi-suffocation is the best I can come up with. So obviously, I applied the same treatment and the effect was the same, the body calmed down and I was able to breath normally again. For the rest of that day I had a fever. I did not measure the temperature as I had no device to measure it with. I went to sleep with the fever and when I woke up the next day, I was like a new born person. I felt really good. I mean, really good. Better than before. I reason that my experience of COVID-19 began long before the actual symptoms. I was really likely to get it, as I was working in a very busy area where people are traveling a lot and from abroad and this was the heart of the initial break out. I kind of sensed on my body certain strange symptoms like a strange back ache, I never had before, like top of the back. This was atleast a week or a little more from the actual semi-suffocation symptoms. I reason those semi-suffocation symptoms were the high point of the infection, when my body was at it's immune system weakest and the viral infection at it's highest, I didn't sleep the night before, so that was probably what weakned my immune system, because I know what to eat to keep my immune system in top shape, that is a lot of chilli and pepper is good also that has chemicals that stimulate the endocanabinoid system and garlic that's like an old natural medicine and things like Kefir or sour milk or sour cucumbars that has the bacteria that you need in your gut, that is really essential to the health of the human body on the long run, the reason why people get so ill, cause they eat so many food with bacteria killing chemicals, that kill both the harmful bacteria and the good bacteria in our gut, without which we would be very sick, as some people are and get cancer of the digestive system, that is part of the reason or the actual main reason. As for the experience of my COVID-19 symtpons, I reason that I experienced the hight of the infection towards the end of it and with cannabis it got resolved in less than 24 hours. That's my experience. It helps a lot, but I do not recommend smoking it, vaporising decarboxylated cannabis without solvents is ideal, ingesting the same is second best. Vaporising such decarboxylated cannabis is very beneficial to the lungs it forms a protective layer in the lungs, plus it stimulates the lungs to get stuff out of the lungs, plus it mixes with the dirt and what not in the lungs and can acctually bring stuff out of the lungs. I have tested this on myself throughout a period of several days after which I coughed out some grey goowe stuff from my lungs and then felt really really good on my lungs, like really healthy feeling. You how your body is the best to tell you what state your body is in, better than your doctor? That sort of feeling. So vaporising cannabis is not only good for COVID-19 treatment or rather survival, it is perfect for people who used to smoke tabacco to help to restore their lungs and heal them, hence I highly recommend to vaporise decarboxylated marijuana every now and then even for non-smokers who live in heavily polluted areas of the world, as it will help your lungs and your body to clean up your lungs and protect your lungs.

    I am a doctor at heart like yourself and I speak from the heart, for that was the reason I wanted to become a doctor, to save human lives.

  5. treatment to covid19 and prevention, think y FDA does NOT approve of this. its everywhere and there is no $$$$$$$ profit to be made by GIANT pharma Corps. dont take my word for it check the list below and research urself on covid19 meter as to check countries have lowest covid19 deaths. we Canadians are good! how about ur area. please dont be confuse THC with CBD, all these researches are dont on CBD


  6. CBD is BIG PHARMA propaganda to divide the community that has been fighting for the whole plant. CBD was always BIG PHARMA's evil PR plan. All over the world they made these "medical cannabis" laws so that they could make CBD in order to give to the people a fraction of the cannabis plant. Now with the help of some gold diggers that made CBD oils and profited from the cannabis plant, their plan is to keep Epidiolex and a few others on the market and complete CBD studies that will prove that cannabis has no medicinal benefits. Using long term CBD can be harmful to the body. Checkout the studies that were conducted on CBD. CBD is a SCAM and a lot of people felt into that. Humanity needs THE COMPLETE PLANT with THCv, THCa, etc. all the compounds, those are needed for our endocannabinoid system, not just CBD.

    If you prepare the cannabis oil according to the RICK SIMPSON method then you get the REAL CANNABIS OIL, then you get the medicine, but what do they say about THC ? that it provokes psychosis, it makes you HIGH. It doesn't do that ! people, it doesn't make you mad, it doesn't attack your immune system, it strengths everything instead. Those articles and those trolls that fill the internet with their lies about THC are BIG PHARMA's people.

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