CBD Oil vs Hemp Seed Oil – EXPLAINED!

Subscribe to the channel – – Thank you! I breakdown the differences between CBD Oil and Hemp Seed Oil! Dan & Sam’s Esty shop for …

35 responses to “CBD Oil vs Hemp Seed Oil – EXPLAINED!”

  1. That is by far the best detailed breakdown I've heard thank you so much. My question is with the information you gave was it in general information all the way cross the board or just beard related?

  2. I have not tried either hemp seed oil or CBD oil yet. Aside from the claims and benefits, what have people experienced? Improved hair growth or hair strength, healthier shine, new hair growth? Just curious.

  3. Thanks Dan, I never knew all the benefits of CBD and Hemp Seed Oil. I’ll have to snag a CBD oil asap to have on hand. Is there a particular one you recommend? Thank you!

  4. I have been looking for a great quality Hemp Seed oil but seems like most are just CBD, Hemp infused droppers. If I'm wrong please correct me but would like information on where to find good quality hemp seed oil. I need to start taking fish oil but struggle with finding the right ones due to shellfish allergen so feel like Hemp Seed would be the best route to go. I have and do take take CBD oil

  5. This was very informative. I came looking for move information on the differences between cbd and hemp. You touch where marijuana stands amongst then. Also, you have me curious on the effects cbd has topical for not only beards, but hair. My son (19) wants to grow full face beard and I'm, now wondering if he's not growing a full beard because of inflammation?

  6. Hey great video, very informative I am in the Uk and last time i checked online cbd is still under the process of being regulated and so I cant purchase it, hopefully in the future. 😀

  7. My online CBD Dispensery by Wakanna has all 4 aspects you talked about.

    My website is mabetter.wakannaforlife.com

    My CBD is natural organic and 3rd party tested with certificate of analysis. I take the Power Hempranium 500MG which is less than .3% THC. for diabetes and Hempowered formy hair. We have several doctors on my team and Dr. Rita Mcguire is the Chief Medical Officer of Wakanna.

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  8. Use hemp seed oil in my DIY beard oil as well as argan, jojoba, vitamin e, and avocado. On the days were my skin feels irritated I use pure hemp seed oil to calm the skin.

  9. My main oil brand actually uses helpseed oil as its main carrier. Its anti inflammatory properties is actually why i kept growing a beard as when I tried to grow in the past and used any other oils I was really bad for it being inflamed and sore and irritated and I don't get that with this brand and feel its a lot to do with the hempseed base

  10. Great vid as always Dan C, I love a hempseed oil in my balms. For oil I use Rebel’s Way unscented 100% natural made by ecla skin care in New Brunswick Canada. I live in Airdrie, Alberta Canada and love all your videos. Decided to grow a full mountain man beard around 6 months ago and your channel is awesome. I also use burnt whiskey Capone beard balm to lock in the moisture. It’s locally made in Calgary Alberta. Would love to chat more on CBD and anything bearded if you have a free minute Dan.



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