Dave Palumbo discusses CBD and Kratom, two items he gets a ton of questions on – especially with the increasing popularity of both. Dave goes into the uses …

35 responses to “CBD OIL & KRATOM: THE VERDICT!”

  1. CLICK 》》》 Radjakratomborneo.com

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  2. Tons of misinformation in this video
    I used kratom for 2 months after a surgery, typically only at night around 20 grams. I'm on day 7 of withdrawals like insomnia, restless leg syndrome, fatigue, mind fog, muscle aches, etc after quitting cold turkey. It's extremely addictive

  3. I have gotten my bloodwork done twice a year for past 5 years, always healthy. I started taking Kratom for 4 months prior to my last bloodwork. My AST was at 45. My ALT and AST have always been healthy. I can guarantee you that it was the Kratom. My diet has always been the same but this time I stop drinking alcohol 2 months prior to bloodwork, which made it more convincing it was the Kratom.. Its worse on the liver than when I was drinking.

  4. Kratom has saved many human lives, only a small proportion of them hate kratom because it is based on business, so they judge Kratom negatively.
    We in Aceh in particular and the State of Indonesia in general have been using Kratom for a long time and it was done from our ancestors.
    However, it is necessary to pay attention to choosing a trusted kratom vendor.

  5. this guy start off and you should instantly know he doesnt know what hes talking about. Hemp is a subsection of the cannabis plant that contains high cbd and less than .3 percent thc. cbd stands for cannabidiol not all cannabinoids. thc is not hallucinegenic to most people and alot of times a full spectum hemp extract still contains a small amount of thc.

  6. THC is psychoactive not hallucinogenic. And CBD blocks some effects of kratom, there's a study that shows this block effect regarding CBD and opioids.

  7. Kratom has given me complete pain relief from my neuropathy pain in my feet. It took about a month of daily use. Kratom took me out of living in my head, I feel so outgoing and enjoy people so much more before starting.

  8. Kratom and CBD both work very well for pain and sleep BUT Kratom is 100% physically addictive where as CBD is not so CBD is safer to usee 1000%

  9. I just quit kratom because I was spending too much money on it. Been off a week and i hate it. No withdraw but I'm so bored and no motivation. I was on it for over a year

  10. I have chronic knee pain.. So kratom and Cbd together is amazing..I love it..
    It took away my withdrawals from pain meds and helps my sleep and i can workout and not have pain in my knees ..

  11. Lmao wtf probably. I've been pretty healthy using kratom for about 3 years and I cycle it every 3 months where I take a month off than another 3 months again. And it's weird I dont get any withdrawals from it but it does make my nose run for 2 days I wouldnt be surprised if this becomes the next coffee really nice plant

  12. Dave now a days they are making tons of money on suboxone and things like that too. So this kratom will hurt the big pharmaceutical companies and doctors pocket books. It’s illegal here in Arkansas but everybody goes to Oklahoma to buy it. I was on suboxone and that stuff is a nightmare to come off and it is costly. Kratom is a good thing and hopefully we will know more once more studies are done.

  13. Pills won’t work since when you ingest it, you only get roughly 30% of it. Under the tongue is the best. And the more your body is messed up, the more effect of the CBD oil. I’m no scientist… unless you consider lab rat species of Bro Scientist.

  14. You're the best Dave. My deadlift went from 315 to 600 lbs with kratom over the course of 2 years. I cut my bodyfat by more than half. I have 2 fake hips and I'm not even on TRT. I feel awesome. Check out my film A Leaf Of Faith on Netflix. Used resposibly, this is an amazing plant. I also use some CBD edibles with a little bit of THC and it really helps in recovery. I've combined this with a mostly carnivore diet, which is probably driving most of the strength gains.

  15. I took some kratom before work a few times and had absolute awesome focus on my work and made the day fly. The next time i wasnt to test my tolerance and went top high. Ended uo having a hangover headache feeling for like 3 days afterwards. So as long as you can gauge your personal tolerance depending on type it works awesome

  16. You honestly don’t know what you’re talking about. CBD oil from hemp does nothing for nerve pain. In fact a lot of what your saying is wrong.. go do some research before making videos.

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