The Positive Effects Of Marijuana
The DEA recently decided to keep marijuana a schedule 1 drug, meaning it has no medical benefits. This is clearly false. Ben Mankiewicz (What The Flick), John Iadarola (ThinkTank), and Jimmy…
The DEA recently decided to keep marijuana a schedule 1 drug, meaning it has no medical benefits. This is clearly false. Ben Mankiewicz (What The Flick), John Iadarola (ThinkTank), and Jimmy…
California was the first state to legalize marijuana for medical use, but we aren’t so strict when it comes to why doctors can prescribe it. So Jimmy thought this would be a good area for…
I live in Texas and illegally treat my daughter with high THC cannabis. We are telling our story in an effort to change Texas law. Kara has always had a team of doctors. We continue […]
Tree Hugger is an OM creation that is a medical cannabis edible. It contains hemp seeds, almonds and pecans, vegan gluten free and paleo free. Each container is about 300mg in this 4oz tin,…
In this myth shattering, information packed documentary, learn from physicians and leading researchers about medicinal cannabis and its demonstrated effects on human health. This game-changing…
CINCINNATI (Liz Bonis) – The new medical marijuana law in Ohio leaves doctors and patients with questions many questions. The CEO of OHCare, who care for hundreds of cancer patients in the…
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