Cannabis vs Alcohol – Let's Compare the Two!

Cannabis vs alcohol.. what is there to be said about these two radically different drugs and their effects on the human body? Well you’re surely already aware …

5 responses to “Cannabis vs Alcohol – Let's Compare the Two!”

  1. I was so blind until I tried cannabis. I was always led to believe that it was the path to being a «drug addict». Now I see and realise how things are. the better effects on the health, and not being hangover. sadly all alcohol producing companies in my country makes sure it wont be legalized cus of their loss of profit. this world is rotten, leading people to believe lies and poisoning their souls.

  2. I’ve substituted alcohol for weed….. when drunk I was a total Dick & blacked out from time to time…. but on cannabis, I’m the coolest 😎 nicest, laid back person you’d ever wanna come across. Plus I ALWAYS remember what I did when i smoked!!! #Subbed

  3. My mother is an alcoholic and I starting smoking when it was legalized in canada (canada pride)
    and after a decade of verbal and mental abuse i finally cut ties with her. Alcohol needs a reality check in society…

  4. Great video! My brother died from alcoholism at 46 years old. He and his girlfriend were homeless. A month after he died, she died. Both from chronic alcoholism. Stick to the gift from nature! Cannabis!

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