Cannabis Use While Pregnant or Breastfeeding FAQ – Health Talk

Can pregnant women Smoke or even consume Marijuana in any form? Can Cannabis actually have a measurable negative impact on the baby? How does …

15 responses to “Cannabis Use While Pregnant or Breastfeeding FAQ – Health Talk”

  1. i think that the reduced stress, reduced cramping alone are worth it, ive watched plenty of pregnant woman ask for something that can relieve many things during pregnacy, the only 1 stop cure all has ever only been weed

  2. 2:09 can i get away with…idea: q should be can i get cannabis as a medicine if i get physically sick during pregnancy?
    2:40 smoking weed? least healthy method…tea, juicing, eat raw in salad, tinctures, oils, edibles, etc

  3. Why would combustion make a difference, there are no toxins in marihuana smoke. I spelled it that way because I'm not allowed to smoke marjuana, only marihuana shipped to me from the Canadian government. ugh

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