Cannabis Oil Using the Magical Butter Machine and Reclaim Now Available CANNABIS CONCEPTS: A Guide to Making and Using Cannabis Oil at Home.

23 responses to “Cannabis Oil Using the Magical Butter Machine and Reclaim”

  1. Started off saying ooooh I want my own oils preferences leaning to camilia oil, rose hips I started understanding seeds and low heat cold pressing. My question was can I get plant oil on the machines made for seeds? No okay now what???? I got miffed shucks I saw exactly one kit that you stick in a microwave oven & you get maybe a nail polish bottle of oil & some flowerwater. So now these water distillers on you tube say oil can be made. Nobody gives a tutorial so they suck. I am getting more info on cannabis extraction than plants and flowers and what the hell is a terpenes? Can I make food grade healthy flower oil or not? And by the way I can't download these cannabis videos using apps on my android I am pissed.

  2. Be careful with the distiller it will burn your stuff pay attention to how much alcohol you use..and you should stop machine when you have 2/3 to 3/4 back..or just use MCT oil… extraction needed..decarb weed first if using buds.not necessary when using hemp or high CBD weed.

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