CannaSense Total Wellness is now offering to its patients/members concentrated cannabis oils in both THC rich and CBD rich forms. These oils are packed with cannabinoids that help prevent disease, buffer your neurology, to reduce inflammation in the body, to alleviate pain and even help to fight cancer. This product is highly concentrated, use responsibly. Each syringe is filled with 1 gram of oil which is roughly the equivalent of 1/4 ounce of cannabis. You need a sponsor to join, contact me for more information or 888.420.4751 ext 1365
it is the herb of life it cures everything and the medical con field knows it……..not every being has canniboids in their body for those that do…use it and stay healthy
Fuck your government CBD oil
Thanks for Sharing
Make your own oil with indica strain marijuana fam.
It cures HIV, diabetes, mental illnesses, MS, cancer, erectile dysfunction, brain fog etc..
I can make the oil
What up doe Damien✊🏿 What brand of oil is that you're using?
CannaSense Total Wellness is now offering to its patients/members concentrated cannabis oils in both THC rich and CBD rich forms. These oils are packed with cannabinoids that help prevent disease, buffer your neurology, to reduce inflammation in the body, to alleviate pain and even help to fight cancer.
This product is highly concentrated, use responsibly. Each syringe is filled with 1 gram of oil which is roughly the equivalent of 1/4 ounce of cannabis.
You need a sponsor to join, contact me for more information or 888.420.4751 ext 1365
i get bored of these vids when they dont to the point.
Hi my name is Thomas… I am a CannaSense patient & caregiver…let me help you become a member today…
where can I buy this oil in the US?
they need to legalize week to the fullest treat it like alcohol even though alcohol is poison little weed dont harm noone
it is the herb of life it cures everything and the medical con field knows it……..not every being has canniboids in their body for those that do…use it and stay healthy
Connect with Brad Mossman on Facebook for Hemp Remedies in the US
awww…sheeeit…he went there…! it's all good tho'…Bruce Lee knew about it…