When a discovery comes along of this magnitude that potentially can help millions of cancer patients the news must be spread and shared. The pharmaceutical …
One response to “Cannabis Oil Cures Cancer Concert Prt 1”
"As a result of providing cannabis oil made as INSTRUCTED by Rick Simpson. I witnessed 15+ cases of cancers eliminated only using cannabis oil. A 16 yr old diagnosed a year ago in July with terminal brain cancer. The family member they decided to use cannabis oil as instructed by Rick Simpson not chemo radiation. Well its been a year now and she has been consuming a gram or more a day for a year last test result in February showed that we stopped the growth."
The Michigan Cannabis Cancer Project
"As a result of providing cannabis oil made as INSTRUCTED by Rick Simpson. I witnessed 15+ cases of cancers eliminated only using cannabis oil. A 16 yr old diagnosed a year ago in July with terminal brain cancer. The family member they decided to use cannabis oil as instructed by Rick Simpson not chemo radiation. Well its been a year now and she has been consuming a gram or more a day for a year last test result in February showed that we stopped the growth."
The Michigan Cannabis Cancer Project