13 responses to “Cannabis Medicine: 10 Health Benefits of Marijuana”

  1. Thank you for this information. This is an amazing medicine given to us by God but so gravely misunderstood. You may want to have someone go over this PowerPoint to correct numerous spelling errors.

  2. you say it has all these medical benefits yet non of these were actually proven if so you should be able to provide a case by case study, journal and article providing such evidence and not quoting fake doctors off google web search 

  3. i´m 14 and i am from a place that none of the medicinal and recreational use of marijuana is alowed, i have tourrete's sindrome and every time i have tics and sometimes i can't sleep at night, and i have a friend that has marijuana on his own and every friday he shares it with me… guess what? finaly i can sleep at night propaly and my grades got up!!! THANK YOU MARY JANE!!!!

  4. Wow I used to be so against weed, I have ADHD and after reading that fact, I can't believe I was so blind to believe that bullshit the government feeds us about how weed is bad. This plant is amazing. I'm going to do some at the 1st chance I get.

  5. such a shame our world is so corrrupt. This plant is a great healer of many things, but also can be used for so much more like Fuel etc .The big corporations and big pharma will never let cannabis / hemp have its rightfull place in the world, for on the day it does, they will all be of no use anymore 😉

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