Cannabis lockouts and deficiencies. How to know whats wrong with your plants.

I’m re-releasing this video that I made for my friends channel that no longer exists. I show you how I diagnose cannabis plants and determine what’s wrong with them. Music by DJ Quads: “Um”…

27 responses to “Cannabis lockouts and deficiencies. How to know whats wrong with your plants.”

  1. will also consider co-investors wishing to join Crowdgrow participants. This is a unique opportunity to participate in the medicinal Cannabis industry with small capital and low risk. has operations in the kingdom of Lesotho. with international off-take buyers. Get returns in excess of 25% whilst contributing to education and upliftment of the people in the kingdom of Lesotho.[ inbox me or email:

  2. Great video mate, just a quick question,i noticed my plant go yellowing and i did a run off with the ro water, in was 0ec out as 1.2 ec. Ph in was 6.7 out 6. Soil pen shows 5.9ph they are in week 4 flowering. So what i did just feed them with Ro water and 6.5 ec but dont know if i have to flush them or just keep feeding them with ro water at 0 ec and 6.5 ph

  3. will also consider co-investors wishing to join Crowdgrow participants. This is a unique opportunity to participate in the medicinal Cannabis industry with small capital and low risk. has operations in the kingdom of Lesotho. with international off-take buyers. Get returns in excess of 25% whilst contributing to education and upliftment of the people in the kingdom of Lesotho.
    [ inbox me or email:

  4. Having some issues 4th week into flower I’m new to growing and this is my second grow and the same thing happened my first grow I’m getting rust spots on leaves is there some way I can send you pictures

  5. Wow so I have this little seedling that's getting ready to start her veg and she has two little burnt tips on her leaves went to YouTube to figure out the problem try to fix it found your video love it totally cool totally great totally all the information that I needed broke down in a simple way that I could understand it and apply it to my plant immediately I love you brother God bless you and thank you for doing what you do keep on doing it this is your boy Gino and I'm going to keep growing

  6. "you cannot over water Coco" it's dumbass advice like this that ruins the grow for people starting out. You can absolutely over water Coco or any other medium. Over watering is the most common problem.

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