Cannabis Legalization: 2 Key States to Watch on Election Day

Next week, voters in five states will consider legalizing cannabis in some form. Research analyst Matt Clark explains why two of these are key to watch and what …

15 responses to “Cannabis Legalization: 2 Key States to Watch on Election Day”

  1. Cannabis industry going to make so much money . It’s going to be good for Our country as a whole . Create new jobs good revenue . I think America is heading in the right path with this idea.

  2. If all the old senators retire then cannabis will take off too. States are strapped for money economically from taxes losses of businesses going bankrupt, unemployment and Congress won't give them a dime. Majauana sell$

  3. Marijuana will be legalized nation wide. God states marijuana is good and very good and meant for you.
    Authorized King James bible, Genisis,1st page,first chapter,under "herbs" Every Green" Herb".; Proverbs,ch 15 v 17," Better is a dinner of herbs where love is,"; Psalms, ch 104 v 14," herbs for the service of man,"; Romans,ch 14 v 2,another, who is weak,eateth herbs,"; 6 v 7, the herbs are meant for the herbs are meant for.Recieveth Blessings from God.
    The feeling I have, Blessings from God. Marijuana is our Christian and Jewish right to have by God.Jehovah. Freedom of Religion, Untied States 1st amendment of the Constitution.
    The many uses that marijuana has, makes it one of the most valuable tool to save our planet.

  4. Meanwhile, here in NY, Cuomo is promising to legalize cannabis to promote income during coronavirus shutdown. Let me tell you as an all too long time resident of this shitty state, I don't see these democrats changing anytime soon. And too, if they do legalize it, it's going to drive up the prices and the profits will go right back to the same corrupt government that STILL locks us up for choosing our own medicine.

  5. why this companies will make more moneyif they will be " legalized" if they are selling in the shops, yu can buy it online, you get it for medical uses i dont understand why they dont value nothing since they went out to the market for example tlry 300 uss today 5,5 how can it be,=? just because is not totally legal? i cant believe it. please explain better because i have big poossition in all of them and i felt that i was hustle

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