Cannabis and Fitness: An Exclusive Workout with Former NFL Player Eben Britton

Cannabis as a workout supplement? Ex-NFL OT Eben Britton is all in #BRx420 Find more exclusive sports coverage: Subscribe: …

27 responses to “Cannabis and Fitness: An Exclusive Workout with Former NFL Player Eben Britton”

  1. I love doing any type of exercise whilst high. Mind muscle connection is like no other, it beats all other pre workouts. I agree with everything Eben said in this video

  2. This is a plant with some powerful amazing medicinal ingredients. It’s always been unfairly labelled as dope. That’s brainwashing of the older generation born in the 30’s and 40’s. I’m seeing older people using this for many diseases and pain relief today. Nausea, glaucoma, epilepsy, anorexia, depression etc . It causes euphoria and will put the enjoyment back into your life, It will not hurt you and Its very safe . Do not operate heavy machinery or drive vehicles. Life’s too short to live in pain. Good luck and god bless. 🙏🏻❤️😇

  3. Some people can play sports or workout while high. I know a few of them. For me, I'm like the majority. I just want to chill when I'm medicated. It just affects everyone differently. Either way, everything in moderation. Balance is key to unification.

  4. I wish it was that simple. This just shows how it works with one guy and isn't supplements are there post to make u stronger? I smoke alot of weed. I and don't see connection in strength because is this post to work on people who just started working out? It's to many factors and its still recreational drug or prescribed.

  5. Im glad they are showing how it's useful for workouts, instead of just showing how its good for recovery. Marijuana can definitely be a powerful tool when used correctly.

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