Can Cannabis Cure Cancer?

Some studies on mice show cannabis makes cancer better; other studies on mice show it makes cancer worse. What did the one and only human clinical trial to …

39 responses to “Can Cannabis Cure Cancer?”

  1. This video is looking at research that is THC only – not whole plant extract. This is way out of date – see Dr. Christina Sanchez (2019) on breast cancer types. I was diagnosed with Grade III HR2+ breast cancer nearly two years ago (nasty little bastard that has a high chance of coming back and is very aggressive). It was also in my lymph nobes. I refused all conventional treatment and took RSO (Rick Simpson Oil), that I buy from a man who was anti-cannabis until RSO cured him (4 years ago) of prostrate cancer! We take the same oil…. and so do the 5000 plus patients that used the oil which Rick Simpson himself gave them (free) over the past 15 years… I regained the massive amount of weight I'd lost, got my appetite back, and today feel well and look healthy πŸ™‚

  2. The guy had a stage 4 cancer and you're saying this study is all inclusive? That's a pretty serious cancer with or without THC; so I'm not sure if this is going to do anything to convince me that cannabis won't cure cancer! Glioblastomas are almost always fatal. I myself had a stage 3 brain cancer removed. I'm using cannabis everyday. And the last two MRIs showed no new growth that's my study. I think I'm going to continue with this experiment. πŸ™‚ the feds are resistant to allowing any clinical trials. They're actually preventing it I'm a veteran and they don't even allow us to smoke cannabis there. Although some do I'm sure

  3. I would love it if THC was the cure for cancer. Heck, my initials are THCR!! (Yes, I have two middle names.) However, I have had two friends who smoked A LOT of very strong marijuana EVERY DAY OF THEIR LIVES FOR DECADES, and they both contracted cancer and one of them died! HOWEVER, there is indeed a cure for cancer that is extremely simple, and I have witnessed its effectiveness. This cure has long been known and has long been highly-suppressed, because it costs next to nothing. If you want to know more, give me a click.

  4. But did they eat a PLANT-BASED whole food diet while doing the cannabis treatment? Or did they keep eating animal products and processed foods cooked using high temperatures meanwhile? Because that might…… affect things. Put it to the test?

  5. Cannabis and Dandelion both grow in abundance in nature for a good reason. They are extremely important herbs that protect us from many negatives of modern life and detox/heal many illness.

  6. Cannabis oil cures cancer. Highest THC strain you can find, grown with sunlight, not HPS or LED. Takes 2 pounds of high quality bud mixed with 90% alcohol. Evaporate it down to an oil. Takes about 4 months to get rid of it. Rick Simpson has been doing this for years.

  7. In 1931….. 1 in 30 people got cancer in 2018 one and three people get cancer you should do more videos on the prevention of cancer and not fake news videos !

  8. But they only administered THC!!! There needs to be a suitable THC to CBD ratio as well as a complete 'whole-food' cannabinoid and terpine profile!!

  9. It is funny to watch all of the pro marijuana crowd try to weasle their way out of the series of videos that Gregor has done, PROVING that weed is NOT "harmless" and is quite damaging to your body, especially over the long term.

    "Oh yeah well why don't they study the ENTIRE plant! Oh yeah well how many pple have died from chemo?!oh yes we'll I know a couple pple who smoked weed while sick and it helped them"

  10. "scooped out the tumor and injected THC directly into it" how can that be accepted as "treatment". And you, DR. Greger, swallowed that? That is not how it works. Broccoli oil dumped in to the brain would likely kill you also. Seems the testers wanted the study to fail. It's a vegetable: YOU EAT IT! sheez.

  11. In 1980 the goverment had an universary study cannabis to prove that it Caused cancer. What they proved was that it Cured 3 types of cancer. I'm sorry don't remember the name of the universary but study was of course surpressed. Be interesting if you could do find out about that. Thanks for all the Great info you share!! It is greatly appreciated!

  12. There is a cannabinoid which repairs the p53 gene. Which is a very important gene for tumors because it is responsible for not only creating a antitumor compound but is integral to the process of apoptosis. All tumors, but not all cancers must break this gene.

    The big problem with cannabis as the only treatment for cancer is that THC breaks down into hundreds of different cannabinoids and there is a multitude of variables that affect this reaction as the biology of the plant is also highly involved.

    There is a non toxic silver bullet in there though.

  13. I did a paper in collage called smoke is bad.
    Pot can screw up your lungs cause its smoke but what makes tobacco worse is how addictive it is. Most tobacco smokers want to stop.
    Pot I got board and stopped. Think of it this way the resin in your pipe is also in your lungs thats bad for your lungs. What makes pot less dangerous is you can stop easily tobacco its not that easy.

  14. it might be easier to just say there is not enough evidence. And not to mention full cannabis extract is better then just THC in some cancers. Some require more cbd then thc. Some more Thc . This trial didnt show a lot considering these people were destroyed by chemo and radiation already. And even then, it still had some effect. We need more studies done though. And not with people already on their death beds after the chemo and radiation didnt work and about killed them. Cannabinoids may not work with every cancer. Diet needs to be evaluated as well. Maybe it would be better to do a video after a number of clinical trials instead of one that leaves more questions then answers , Im not saying this works or not, but its doing something because a lot of people have been helped with it. and not just for side effects of chemo. This video was premature and left out a lot of data. Kind of pointless to form an opinion with only partial information.

  15. The first study and the graph at 1:00 is erroneous. Making sense of what we're looking at, it should read (in red):

    THC (15mg/kg) + TMZ (5mg/kg). THC was erroneously changed to "THZ" making it easy to misread the graph. There is no "THZ" in the graph of the actual study. While THC alone seemed (according to this video) to make the cancer grow faster, THC combined with the chemotherapy drug Temozolomide shows a far better result than the chemo drug alone.

    BUT this is also false. Dr. Greger reversed the VEH curve with the THC curve. Why? If one looks at the actual study linked below, the VEH curve is the highest one, and the THC curve is below it demonstrating a benefit from the THC alone. How could these mistakes have been made? Accident?

  16. One gram of whole plant extract every day for 90 days is what the cannabis consultants in California claim will eliminate cancer from the body. I tend to think this has some validity considering cannabinoids encourage homeostasis. Injecting THC into the brain sounds elaborate and misleading. One can only hope we see some proper clinical trials in the future modeled around what people claim is actually working.

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