Best Lights for Growing Cannabis!

LED vs. HPS vs. CFL vs. Metal Halide Lamps So, having covered seed germination in an earlier video, we now want to talk about another important aspect of …

40 responses to “Best Lights for Growing Cannabis!”

  1. Hi i have a 6 m x 4 m ( 10 ft x 20 ft ) room. How many lights will i need and how many plants can i grow in that space. Can i also put an aircon in the room and what temp will be recommended for the room. thanks

  2. Explain that you are a tricked costumer..ripped of..they get mony from uding power that supposed be free..explain why they get rich from you.. mr propaganda

  3. Why would you waste all the time and energy on a video like this when you really didn't say anything about which light bulbs to use what a waste of talent

  4. Love the video and the content. Keep growing them ladies to the sky. I'm new to YouTube and channel creation/content. Id love if you stopped by and help GROW our Cannabis community. Much love and respect from Canada.

  5. The best ligth for me at the moment is Cree cbx 3590 3500k, but the good one and also is full spectrum, but must be a good quality light. Thanks.

  6. Don't buy HPS or MH, those are Old streetlight technology. The LEDS that we have today produce more yield and better quality than those old lights. Especially those Samsung LEDs

  7. guys what do you think abouth cob led full spectrum?i have 150w cob led full spectrum and i am going to try for macrogrow?is it good or should i change the light?

  8. LED's in 2020…. The coolest and least bright. Yeah….. -_-.
    High-performance LED lights are currently much brighter than high-pressure sodium lamps. Even some China LED fixtures are better now.
    CFL. Yes thats right. But LEDs in 2020. HELL NOOOO. Dislike

  9. I'm confused you talk about the lights to be informative but dont mention anything about gram per watt and how a (good) 600w LED pulls nearly double hps and cmh (ceramic metal halide). The new h range for LEDS is designed for horticulture please look into it and come back with a vid thanks

  10. Great video! I need a bit of help on how to start my small set up. Since my space is very limited I’m doing one plant in a space bucket. What light do you recommend?

  11. Hey! Really glad to have found your channel. I've purchased a grow tent and full spectrum 1000W LED light, will this light be enough to grow my plants through to the end?

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