Another Amazing Medical Use For Marijuana Discovered!

A recent study proves that marijuana could help organ transplant recipients. Jimmy Dore breaks it down. Upcoming Live Shows ▷ Subscribe Here ▷

21 responses to “Another Amazing Medical Use For Marijuana Discovered!”

  1. I am a full supporter of marijuana. I consume it every single day and it helps me with a number of problems. However, I'm not entirely sure where you obtained these numbers, but they are incorrect. Marijuana can in fact cause death! It is rare, but it has happened. I'm not talking about man-made products with THC in them. I'm talking raw marijuana. If you have never consumed it in your life, the only way to be one hundred percent certain that it won't harm you is to get an allergy test. Having an allergy to marijuana is extremely rare, but it can be deadly.

  2. Mr. Dore,
    I have a VERY long testimony in response to my battles with alcohol, LEGAL, MD PRESCRIBED drugs, depression, anxiety, severe pain, medical maladies, and how weed works for me, not only to completely drop all meds, but the increase in the quality of my life. But sadly, it is not legal where I live, and hard to get, and expensive as hell when its available. But anyway, I found your YouTube channel by accident. Your show is entertaining, to say the least! It's informative, accurate, sometimes funny, sometimes sad, when you reveal the ignorance of the people who lead the fight against legislation, and the greed of "big pharm". So, please keep on keeping on!! Your wisdom, dedication, and approach to this subject uplifts me and gives me hope!☮👍

  3. "Who doesn't play by the rules?"

    You mention big pharma, military industrial complex, insurance companies, etc., but you forgot to mention their cronies, the politicians, they buy and get in bed with. Government officials elected or appointed rarely play by the rules. We give them the power to control our lives so they can make these rules and regulations, making them a valuable investment for big business too buy and use to cripple their competition. This is exactly what you mention about big paper and big oil and big pharma using politicians to make marijuana illegal. You make big government, big business will use it for tyranny, so they can make a few extra bucks. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

  4. God will keep psychedelics kratom and cannabis legal unscheduled substances and perfectly accessible for everyone! God gave us this beyond ultimate master miraculous truth blessing superior to anything else from past present or future! It is God's Will and God's Will is Perfect Omnipotent Inescapable Unconditionally!

  5. The reason William Randolf Hearst (sp?) (a newspaper man) said NO to hemp was that he was a businessman. He owned a great number of newspapers. In addition, he owned land in GA and FL to grow his loblolly pine (pine suitable to use for paper production). He said no to hemp is because his printing machines were all calibrated to use paper from wood pulp. He would have had to recalibrate his printing machines.

  6. The state should really think about whats legal and illegal cuz they let thousands die from smoking tobacco when there has been no reports of people dying from weed overdoses yet they make pot illegal? Such a smart and free country

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