Amy's Endometriosis Story | Finding relief with CBD and THC

1 in 10 women suffer from endometriosis. Amy Wiscombe shares her experience with being diagnosed with endometriosis, her surgery, and finding relief from …

17 responses to “Amy's Endometriosis Story | Finding relief with CBD and THC”

  1. i cried about this, because my story its the same as she had it… Cannabis but only with thc erease those pain completely, but i had to quit because nobody could understand how much worth it is live without pain but only with take "drugs"….

  2. I related to her story so much; from her going to various doctors, feeling weak, and doctors simply telling you that you have to just endure the pain. Thank you so much for being brave and sharing your story! Your voice and other voices of women who endure endometriosis need to be heard.

  3. What a beautiful story, I just got home from the hospital after having pelvic pain. Getting closer to meeting with a specialist for Endo. Is there a way to know what brands she uses for CBD? I'm looking for something that will help with inflammation that isn't just sold "anywhere." Open to any help, thanks!

  4. Just want to leave a comment here that a hysterectomy is NOT a cure for endometriosis. Many women suffer from endo symptoms even after having their uterus and ovaries removed. Please never get a hysterectomy thinking your endo symptoms will go away. This can be the case, but it might not be. Not a good reason to get a hysterectomy.

    Thanks so much for making this video!

  5. Thank you for sharing your story, everything you talked about in this video I am currently experiencing. The chronic pain of endometriosis has affected my quality of life and as you said a woman in her 20's has very limited options and has to think carefully about her future. I am going to try cbd for the first and I pray it will give some kind of relief for this pain. It's hard to find a doctor that will care enough to help you it's very upsetting

  6. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I cannot say it enough or loud enough, THANK YOU, for making this. Thabk you for sharing her story. Thank you for opening up about endometriosis, about THC and CBD and how it helps endometriosis. Thank you for shedding light on ALL of this. As a endo-sister, and someone whom has been suffering for almost 14 years, and been using THC and CBD to help the endometriosis pain. It means the world to see and hear a video like this.💛💛💛💛

  7. My girlfriend struggles with endometriosis and almost has an identical story that you have.I see the struggle that she goes through first hand and it breaks my heart. At 27 years old they want to put her through meta-pause and the whole situation is tough for us. I’m willing to try anything to help her with this. What type of DVD application and dosages do you recommend that help you?

  8. I have endometriosis and use cannabis daily to manage the chronic pain and nausea that accompany it.
    I have seen many specialists and their only answers for me were Lupron, given everything I've read about the dangers of Lupron and given the fact that besides endometriosis I have chronic GI pain because of esophageal atresia, which I was born with, it was not worth the risk.
    I have intestine and colon to make me an esophagus and have had feeding tubes, tpn, as well as gastric, liver, and hepatic varicose veins.
    Because I've had multiple whole reconstructions of my gi system I am unable to find a dr. to remove any endo growth through lapro or excision, using cannabis is really my only option.
    Yale had me on high doses of fentanyl every 48 hrs because my body was metabolizing it so quickly I'd be in withdrawal in addition to chronic pain from endo and esophageal atresia/scar tissue.
    In addition to fentanyl I was on 4mgs of dilaudid every 4 hrs with 50mgs of benadryl because I am allergic to opiates, as well as valium every 8 hours, domperidone, reglan which gave me facial ticks, zofran, and so many others.
    I've been able to replace all of those meds since 2014 and be GI tube and TPN free since 2016 thanks to cannabis.

    This is a great video, I'm going to share if that's okay.
    This is a topic very close to me.
    Cannabis quite literally saved my life as withdrawals and being on tpn/gastric tubes was slowly wasting me away.

  9. Currently sitting on the toilet in excruciating pain vaping CBD/THC. I had to YouTube videos for comfort and support because I literally feel like I’m giving birth right now completely alone at 0200 middle of the night. Same sh*t, different month. The Liletta IUD I was inserted in the beginning of the year finally got rid of my menstrual bleeding last month but I still experience all the endo symptoms. I am happy I’m not bleeding, but the pain and other symptoms never seizes to feel traumatic.

  10. This is so sad to me. I was first told it was something else for so long too. Didn’t feel like no one cared. I’m still trying to figure out how to deal with it all.

  11. I have Endometriosis…. So glad I came across this video ! I had surgery a yr ago & my pain is coming back. It’s so depressing. I haven’t felt normal in years

  12. I took Lupron. It made me incredibly ill. I quit after just 2 shots because I couldn't handle it. I was in severe pain, nauseous, itchy, irritable, moodswings… Just really miserable. I had no idea of its origins. I'm so tired of trying different birth controls. I just want an answer. I've been begging for a hysterectomy just to get my life back. I'm going to try CBD and THC next. Thank you for the documentary! Made me cry. <3

  13. I started trying CBD for my anxiety. I believe that it actually is helping and I feel like I am getting getting high quality sleep despite getting 6 hours a night for the last 5 weeks! Hope it can become more researched and into the hand of more people to try. Great video Phil!

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