I work in the legitimate cannabis industry in Oregon. I am originally from the UK, my father was an agricultural advisor to HMG. I have much insight and fabulous facts to share. (And far too many myths to bust). I am also an award winning news journalist. Please will someone contact me from the Beeb.
YeeT BBC ahead of its time
I work in the legitimate cannabis industry in Oregon. I am originally from the UK, my father was an agricultural advisor to HMG. I have much insight and fabulous facts to share. (And far too many myths to bust). I am also an award winning news journalist. Please will someone contact me from the Beeb.
The old man wants the kids to got to WAR….. and get contaminated by DU weapons.
This video shows how ignorance can be DANGEROUS….. Is the old man a drug dealer?
Ian Oliver needs to smoke a joint and remove the metal from his arse.
hahah joke 😀