30 responses to “CBD vs THC (my experience)”

  1. I only smoke CBD flower. I havent smoked THC Flower in years because it now gives me a panic attack. I have been smoking cannabis for 25 years and back in the day THC flower would make me feel like i was floating in the sky with loose floating arms. A full body high and a head high and tingly cheeks and giggles. CBD flower gives me the same exact feeling I get from THC flower. CBD flower gets me hella lit and gives me a full body high, tingly cheeks, munchies and the feeling of floating with loose arms. I have a theory on cannabis flowers. Have you ever notice that when you smoke THC flower your heart rate goes up and can beat real fast and that is a side effect of THC but THC effects people in different ways and can lower the heart rate in certain people. but THC does not give you the feeling of floating, tingly cheeks, body high or a head high, or tired feeling all of those effects are from the terpenes because terpenes do give you certain effects that are different. CBD flower is the same way yes CBD can raise your heart rate but not to the same effect that THC does and remember the terpenes in CBD flower will give you the same effects that THC Flower terpenes do.

  2. Just quit weed 8 days ago now I'm on CBD and quit weed for life this is my first day on CBD and feeling pretty relaxed atm lmao didn't think it would work this fast 😂

  3. Couldnt of explained it better when you said it still changes your mental state but not to a point where im a cabbage on the couch and dont wana do anything

  4. Hey can someone help me I used to smoke thc carts but now everyone I smoke I get panic attacks and me heart rate goes up to like 170. Thinking about grabbing a cbd cart but I’m not sure how it will make me feel will it give me the same panic attacks or Na. also how does cbd feel when u smoke it without thc

  5. I don’t think it’s so much they were smoking 0% thc they just hadn’t bred and manipulated it to the potency of today. Even smoking 1 or 2% thc weed wouldn’t make someone monged out.

    Nowadays it’s often well into the double digits. Don’t really smoke that much bumped into an old friend the other day and had 4 hits of his blunt, it messed me up for 12 hours. I don’t think weed 1000’s of years ago would’ve done that. It wasn’t even enjoyable I was anxious AF.

    Wish we could pay a lot less for lower thc but the price stays the same/similar which for me i’d rather just do a tiny hit in a pipe than waste money

  6. I love the fact that for him a half a g is a lot😂 the only way I’ll get high from that is if I use a one hitter and hold every hit in at least 30 seconds when it comes to my normal dose I smoke at least 4-15 grams

  7. "Experience" pffftt , its just pot mate, you say it like you were trippin' on acid…
    let me tell y'all easily what the difference between this two :
    CBD takes you to Peace
    THC takes you to Space

  8. from what I heard, modern strains of weed were heavily bred to produce more cannabinoids. May them be THC or CBD.
    But even CBD strains are very modern as we needed to breed the thc out first!
    So old strains of weed had both thc and cbd, but in smaller quantities than modern day weed.
    Today we can reach about 30%+ total cannabinoids, terpenes, etc way back, maybe it was more like 10% which just means you had to smoke more (more tar in your lungs) to get the same medical effects.
    I think long therm, I'll be moving away from THC bred stuff and rather use 1:1 thc/cbd strains as my daily flowers.

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