How do drugs affect the brain? – Sara Garofalo

Most people will take a pill, receive an injection, or otherwise take some kind of medicine during their lives. But most of us don’t know anything about how these …

24 responses to “How do drugs affect the brain? – Sara Garofalo”

  1. Drugs don't do much to alter my mind anymore. Experience is a teacher and you will never forget it's lessons. If you have experienced bad behaviour from someone no medication will make you go up to that person under any circumstances. Some minds have a resistance against mind control and that resistance is called the Holy spirit. Jesus Christ will protect His people, even from the abomination that causes desolation.

  2. I have never taken any drugs before, I was born at home, and I have never been to the doctor. Which is why I am a little bit scared about getting the vaccine for Corona Virus.

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