Should Cannabis Be Legalised? | Big Questions with Big Narstie

This book is for da real Gs and ladies. Thing is, I could tell you I’m a grime pioneer, a successful media mogul and one of Britain’s most recognised personalities, …

41 responses to “Should Cannabis Be Legalised? | Big Questions with Big Narstie”

  1. We should legalise for sure, we’d have new job opportunities, have another stream for tax revenue, police will be able to focus on other pressing issues, tourism opportunities, etc…I really could go on

    But for me, the main reason I want it legalised is because I don’t wanna hang around waiting for my dealer who said he’d be here in 5 minutes…30 minutes ago

  2. Just legalise the whole thing just because a couple people get psychosis, who normally have already existing mental illness or issues, means no one can use it. People drink themselves to death daily and smoke tobacco relentlessly. These poor kids need it as a medicine and all they do is elongate these “trials” to suppress the idea of legalisation. Legalisation would reduce crime as cannabis is a main contributor to gangs and criminals so why don’t we take the profit from the criminals and pump it into our economy? It can also be used to create things such as clothing, structures, candles etc. Most importantly it can be used to treat horrible health issues such as epilepsy, cancer, anxiety and many more. It’s time we reform our archaic laws from as far back as 1928, which is pre World War 2 and this country has changed massively from then. Do the right thing and legalise the herb!

  3. Facts seem to be that our government have literally no interest in our well being in any decent Medically beneficial plants or products they just want us to stay sick and pay up

  4. Government have a duty of care for the well being of all UK residents. IMO they are criminally negligent with their stance on Cannabis and mushrooms despite billions being wasted on the NHS and the legal system dealing with the unspoken criminal violence and long term physical and mental health effects of alcohol. No one speaks of alcohol and mental health… no that's the fault of cannabis.

  5. Wtf is up with. Report on ur neighbours if u smell something green the papers an police the. Can we not just keep our dutty noses out. If someone wants to smoke a joint in there garden so what?. Makes me sick man that people still to this day report people who do this. Fuck u innit silly curtain twitchers

  6. It should be legal to sell like a fine bottle of Gin with the same rules/law's. And also apply for a licence to grow so that not every idiot burns their roof/house down. It can generate a lot of money for England and that's just on smoking it, lot's of resources/products to get from it.

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