How to extract cannabis oil using CO2 extractor MEDXtractor tutorial

This short video tutorial describes how cannabis oil can be extracted using MEDXtractor CO2 extractor. Lab-scale CO2 extractor MEDXtractor manufactures …

5 responses to “How to extract cannabis oil using CO2 extractor MEDXtractor tutorial”

  1. Have you tried to lighten the solution with activated carbon before crystallization? I have several alternative extraction options. True, these are theoretical methods. For example: You can extract THC with a non-polar solvent, and then add powdered calcined calcium chloride to the solvent. Calcined Calcium chloride forms a complex compound with alcohols, phenols, aldehydes … A precipitate of crystals must precipitate, which must be filtered. After which the crystals are watered, water decomposes the complex compound and THC is released, Calcium chloride goes into the water.
    Calcium chloride must be heat treated before use. It is fried in a pan for an hour. The solvent should not contain traces of water, hemp should also be perfectly dried. I would weigh calcium chloride more by mass than the estimated THC yield, several times.

    You can also extract hemp with hot 1-4 dioxane, it is a good solvent, and it mixes with water. Treat the extract with activated carbon, filter the charcoal, and add water to the extract. After adding water, a precipitate should precipitate, perhaps if you add water in small portions and mixing, then it is the solid crystals of THC that will precipitate.

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