Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer Patient Searched For Weed In Hospital Room

Clip from The Kyle Kulinski Show, which airs live on Blog Talk Radio and Secular Talk Radio Monday – Friday 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM Eastern time zone. Listen to …

45 responses to “Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer Patient Searched For Weed In Hospital Room”

  1. *starts touch then heats banger up then ill inhale Michigan freedom and exhale all my mantel illness and development issues from my abusive past in a European orfnage then brought to the usa by the best people on earth my parents and am on disability and am a Bernie or buster of 2016 and a small money doner in 2020 election #bernie2020

  2. Normally I would side with the patient but if he’s smoking marijuana inside the hospital…of course the police have to do something. I suspect that was the case. I could understand if he was smoking inside the comfort of his home but marijuana reeks and stinks up the entire hospital. You can’t get out of your belongings…it sticks to everything. And little kids shouldn’t have to worry about getting a secondhand high to marijuana while visiting the hospital.

  3. If this upsets you, give them a call and let them know what you think, let's make it a point to not harass cancer patients for trying to make their last days more bearable πŸ™‚


  4. I have never smoked or done pot in my life and I side with Kyle and the cancer patient.

    This video was sick and disgusting. Police officers should be out and about keeping our communities and roads safe from criminals, drug addicts, murderers, pedophiles, predators, and rapists. This man, who may or may not have long to live, was only smoking weed for medical reasons and wasn't hurting anyone. He had stage 4 pancreatic cancer for crying out loud. Leave the law enforcement out of it and leave this situation between the doctor and the patient, the way it should be. Leave the man alone!

    God forbid we have people who drink and get behind the wheel at the risk of killing someone. We have abusive alcoholics that drink and beat their spouses and children. We have smokers that smoke and give themselves lung cancer and secondhand smoke to those constantly around them at the risk of their health as well. Smoking cigarettes kills more people than drinking and drugs (like marijuana) (gasp) put together. We have dangerous men walking the streets. But god forbid someone has pot and the police are on them and the harmless marijuana smoker is the most evil thing in the world. We vilify harmless marijuana smokers more than some of the most corrupt men on this planet.

    The older I get, the more woke I've become. The older I get, the more I realize we need to legalize marijuana so that stories like these become a thing of the past. It's about damn time.

    We need to start thinking long and hard before we give these officers their badges. We need a law enforcement but not a cruel, corrupt one. This story makes my skin crawl. It is a crazy, sad world we live in now.

  5. Aren't police officers allowed to make judgement calls in misdemeanor and minor offences cases, allowing them to turn a blind eye? I do think that yes police should be a repressive force and do their job according to even stuipid laws but with the freedom to make judgement call "this doesn't bother anyone, I'm not going to look into it".

  6. Could anyone ever respect police after seeing a video like that and they wonder why they get shot sometimes if that was my father I have no problem putting a bullet in the cops head if he arrested my father that was dying just for smoking weed it’s absolutely Gusting when is the public going to stop taking this kind of treatment from cops when are people going to wake up and start fighting back against this kind of bullshit

  7. To be fair, the responsibility lies with legislators (and ultimately voters) in that state. While it is egregious that the police are doing this, without the laws prohibiting marijuana on the books this wouldn't be happening.

    Local & state elections matter far more (and you have more clout) than national elections, because your local & state representatives have much more direct impact on your daily life.

  8. Hey in this case I get it with the cops. If they’re just going to give him a citation without arrest I understand. They’re just doing their job in this case / following up on a call where they have to document their response. I don’t trust pigs but this video doesn’t prove anything

  9. It's never made sense to me. Why the hell is marijuana still federally illegal? What harm does it do people if they're allowed to use cannabis, either for medical reasons, or for recreational reasons? That's bullshit.

  10. I don't want those cops solving murders. Honestly, that might be even worse. Isn't the problem the people as well as the policies? WTF are those assholes allowed to carry guns, and boss people around??

  11. This story really pissed me off. Meanwhile there’s child prostitution going on in every state in this country while these punk police are raiding a cancer patient’s hospital bed looking for a flower. How about these lazy pigs go after real criminals for a change?! Fucking donut hogs!!

  12. Police officers need to be encouraged to ignore stuff sometimes. The law isn’t always right, and cops need to understand that. A degree of acceptance for civil disobedience is needed in every member of society, including police men and women.

  13. A guy in my building smokes weed; smell comes into our apartment through the vents or something. It happened often, so it started to annoy the hell out of me. No way were we going to call the cops or get them in trouble with building management. So you know what we did? Stuck a note on their door telling them the smell is bothering us, and please don't smoke at home. Guess what? It stopped within a week. No drama, no cops, nobody's life gets ruined. Fuck whoever called the cops on this poor guy.

  14. First, misuse of 911, no actual emergency.
    Second, if you have stage 4 anything…you should get a pass on any drug you take.
    Third, what are the odds they didn't even apologize when they found NOTHING?

  15. Don't see how the cops can search any of the guy's pesonal possessions. BTW where is the medical staff and hospital administrators. Don't they remember the Utah case where an ER nurse was arrested. What next, some guy on in surgery being searched.

  16. β€œWe got a call”. I immediately thought: who was the piece of sh*t who called the police and made this guy go through this? He says on the video that he told everyone (doctors, nurses, etc.) that he uses medical marijuana for pain. So someone must’ve heard him, and this piece of garbage of a human being called the cops. Unbelievable.

  17. Damn. Pancreatic cancer is a frigging awful disease, and at stage 4 this guy is basically doomed. What in hell could possibly be achieved by harrassing a poor guy in his last days for a bit of weed.

  18. flood that state with weed take it over the border and smoke it at there police station and video everything these pigs do to us a camera can do wayy more then a gun or a tazer fuck the cops they cant arrest all of us

  19. I hate the "They're just doing their jobs" argument. People say that as if that completely absolves the officers of the wrong they are doing by invading this man's personal space over a goddamn medicine. This video is honestly just sad and shows one of the major things wrong with America today.

  20. Issue a citation for a Stage 4 Pancreatic cancer patient? The guy would be dead before his court case, if by a miracle he was alive the judge would look at this guy and drop the case … it would be cruel punishment to put the guy through a trial … cost the state time and money for nothing.

    I wish cops would use common sense …

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