Designer marijuana boost THC potency

Marijuana growers in Colorado are experimenting with new plants, some of which have amounts of THC far above the national average. CNN’s Ana Cabrera …

32 responses to “Designer marijuana boost THC potency”

  1. i dont know i got some in jamaca before i was sent to viet nam. its still the best and most powerful i ever smoked. when i can back from viet nam i brought some and it was i would say half as strong. one time i picked up two hitchers and we smoked a little before going into a place for food. and one guy had passed out in the car and the other one fell straight down on the ground the first step out of the car. i brought them both a slice of pie when i came back. but they had to wait to eat it. that was back in the early 70,s.

  2. I am 52 years old. I spent most of my life getting high and drunk. I got into a lot of legal trouble. Then, LSD and DXM opened my eyes to a greater reality than what just meets the eye. Because of that, I became a Christian. I stopped drugs and alcohol. I had a secular course in high school on the major world religions. The only religion that says that we need a perfect, sinless sacrifice to die and rise from the dead, conquering death is Christianity. It was only God in human form (God incarnate, named Jesus Christ) that died for our sins (crimes) on the cross and rose again and ascended into Heaven. All we have to do is believe and have faith in Jesus saving us from Hell and letting us into Heaven. Just pray: "God, forgive me of my sins. Jesus, come into my heart, I make you my Lord and savior." For example, I beat up my mother when I was drunk (I don't remember doing it). It is amazing to think that I could simply pray to God for forgiveness of that and he looks at me like I never did it.

  3. Feeling like you're going to die and actually overdosing are two different things that women should not have been able to say that on TV and get away with it those were not facts in the slightest

  4. This was an extremely awkward production… A wild attempt to inject some scary hype about THC levels that have NEVER killed anyone. Worse is blindly pretending people don't get drunk by drinking too much alcohol. You can either hold your liquor or you can't. You can either handle standard thc% or you can't.

    Nice try at sensationalizing.

  5. Amerikkka is the country which had a big hand in banning marijuana in Nepal in the 80s , now they themselves say they're the biggest weed growing country in the world. As digusting as it can be.

  6. Anxiety or panic attack. ….. Next time stay away from the 20 plus per cent THC strains n try 5-8per cent🌚….. Heard about this occuring every Winter… OG stoners from last millenium not understanding todays strains are 10 fold stronger in some circumstances… Lucky, theres an ER down the road….🌚

  7. Lmfao Overdose!! And then proceeds to say a "FEELING OF, A FEELING LIKE" yes exactly that its a feeling not death or going to lmao. I BURST OUT LAUGHING, id like to get my hands on that kush

  8. πŸ˜‚ overdose , sure there might be elevated heart rhythm, the sense of being overwhelmed edgy on the alert I think we called that paranoia, for somebody that's never had smoke cannabis before they should try it out in small increments not jumping to the biggest amount at once, somebody like me I need that 30% THC or more been around it for like 20 years

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