44 responses to “Can Moldy Weed Kill You? | MERRY JANE News”

  1. It's because so much bud is being produced they cant store it the way it should be stored so it gets moldy sometimes groweries get moldy batches and try to make it look good enough to sell

  2. people .. you need to understeand it isnt the same mold that comes when people put weed in fresh papers to get puffy,next 2 weeks is puffy,and grams more,then it starts to get moldy.. i smoked a few times and i usually cough a lil bit more

  3. MOST of the weed going around in Canada these days is moldy. Sealing any plant material up tight in a bag or container when it is wet will encourage mold growth. Basically, if it isn't dry enough that you can break it up and smoke a joint without it going out all the time, then it's too wet to be sealed up in a container or bag. They say it's only a danger to those with compromised immune systems but who wants to use moldy weed!!?? It's disgusting! weed should not have the smell of an old canvass tent, it's disgusting, how can people not smell it. The pothead crooks masquerading as "dispensary" owners are just trying to make a little bit more money by selling wet weed.
    This industry right now is filled with crooks that claim to be "experts" but their only qualifications are that they are stoners in reality.

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