Concerns with marijuana legalization In-Depth Analysis Current Affairs 2019

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34 responses to “Concerns with marijuana legalization In-Depth Analysis Current Affairs 2019”

  1. They are simply keeping the ban on india and allowing other countries to come up with petanted products out of marijuana like anti bacterial underwears for women. Outside world knows that india has enough scriptures which can be used to make economical, medical and spiritual benefits out of ganja.

  2. At least.. get the pronunciations right lady! Show lil effort in the video for people to actually take interest in the topic.. Wish Dhavan guy would make video on this Topic instead with more detailed facts.

  3. Very well presented madam. However if you could give the comparisons of its addictive property with other narcotics or even with coffee, that would be really great. Also the history of it, means why and when it was banned? Which country insisted? and who is getting profit out of it and why it is legal in other developed countries?

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