How to prune your weed plants | Leafly Homegrow Series

Ready to prune? In this Leafly Homegrow episode, Johanna breaks down a VERY simple method on how to prune your outdoor weed plants. Pruning is …

30 responses to “How to prune your weed plants | Leafly Homegrow Series”

  1. first of all, for 10 weeks of veg that plant is pathetic. secondly, you could have topped that plant as soon as the 3rd or 4th node grew. congrats, you wasted 6 to 7 weeks of time.

    this is some of the worst advice and technique that i have ever heard ("juice the leaves!") and leafly should be ashamed of promoting this utter noob as some kind of example to follow. garbage level video.

  2. OMG i thought leafly is a trusted cannabis info, but wtf XD
    Also it's second video i got after typing "cannabis prune", although i am sexist i gave a chance to a women… and well not dissapointed tbh.

  3. 1: Get that poor girl some nitrogen
    2: if you're gonna top to the third node (I personally top to the 4th or 5th) then top it once it's got 4 or 5 nodes max.

  4. Well you just took over 2/3 of you plant and may have stressed it badly. 10 weeks of veg??? For that??? You could've done that in 4. Still it WAS a nice plant you hacked up. Should've cloned a couple from that.

  5. At ten weeks old, i am usually harvesting my plants. You're wasting a lot of time letting it veg that long and you didn't need to cut that much off either. lol you wasted about 8 weeks of pointless growth by cutting that much off.

  6. If your plant is that tall top at that second node that stalk is a bit tall in my opinion only need able 6-8” of hand room on the base stalk. Other then that I feel it was a great video thanks for sharing🤘🏽

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