Cheap Indoor Cannabis Grow From Seed (Growing Cannabis Indoor)

Cheap Indoor Cannabis Grow From Seed (Growing Cannabis Indoor) Seeds Are Fire OG In This Video You See How I Germinate Seeds Using A Paper Towel …

48 responses to “Cheap Indoor Cannabis Grow From Seed (Growing Cannabis Indoor)”

  1. will also consider co-investors wishing to join Crowdgrow participants. This is a unique opportunity to participate in the medicinal Cannabis industry with small capital and low risk. has operations in the kingdom of Lesotho. with international off-take buyers. Get returns in excess of 25% whilst contributing to education and upliftment of the people in the kingdom of Lesotho.
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  2. Love this! Great video! Just a few questions..

    1. What all nutrients were used? Do the plants require specific nutrients at different stages, or can I use the same ones throughout?
    2. Is there a specific UV light I should look for, or just any one from amazon?

  3. Damn I wish you could’ve told us what was going on it’s hard just watching the video with little interpretation of what’s going on would’ve been just the video I needed 😩

  4. Im just here to see what the haters saying..cause they always got sum to say when your out shinnin them so jus keep doing ya thang and thanks for the great music with this vid.

  5. So I've bought a lot of dro randons strains and have a lot of seeds.. do i just do separate Bags for each seed or how do i do this also in an illegal state i have to use my closet which is for the most part cold as fuck but texas weather outside is 90 plus always so how would i do this?

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