Did marijuana legalization increase Denver's homeless population?

Since marijuana was legalized, we’ve heard claims that it brought a bunch of people who are homeless to Denver. That’s not what new statistics suggest.

11 responses to “Did marijuana legalization increase Denver's homeless population?”

  1. Homeless is not smoking just cannabis but doing meth also. It’s not the cause of homelessness it’s the policy’s that put more restrictions on businesses and overvalued our homes way to quickly which raised cost of living. Also we don’t treat mental health seriously and we put people on the streets instead of a facility to monitor their health and safety. We don’t encourage family’s to stay together, make family time a priority, teach kids responsibility and accountability. Im conservative on many issues except this. I’m glad Colorado legalized it since I’m a disabled veteran that was injured and now have MS and severe GI Issues. The war on opioids makes it hard for chronic pain patients in getting pain relief and with medical MJ cards some of your rights are taken away and it’s not between the dr and patient but the government. My doctor supports it and recommends it so i can manage my pain since opioid restrictions affect him and his patients. I couldn’t access CW Hemp Charlottes Webb oil before legalization because it had a tiny tiny bit of THC in it that cant get you high. It has been a lifesaver for me. Plus I was able to cut down a lot of my meds because they were to deal with side effects from my pharmaceuticals. Only side effect is appetite which I need since I’m 90lbs. Also every cannabis shop I have gone into it’s retired people and the elderly mainly buying and some middle aged dressed nicely. The homeless are buying it on the streets it’s still illegal.

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