How Medical Marijuana Can Bring IBS Relief

In this video, I not only talk about why I consume medical #cannabis for my #IBS, but also how it actually interacts with my body via endocannabinoid system and …

21 responses to “How Medical Marijuana Can Bring IBS Relief”

  1. I have severe IBS and weed is the only thing that helps me eat 3 meals a day, and stay active. Not to mention it helps with pain, since I also have a screwed up back, and a elbow with 3 types of tendinitis, ucl sprain, and neuritis in my ulnar nerve. It’s truly a life saver. But I have some pretty strict Catholic parents that are gonna disown me when I tell them

  2. This was a really very well done video brother! Thank you for the information. I was recently diagnosed with IBS and I’ve tried several different medications but cannabis seems to give me the most relief along with easing anxiety and stress that can cause my stomach to flare up.

  3. Me: God can you please just help me?!
    God: I put a plant on earth that can help with many things.
    Goverment: “Stop right there criminal scum, pay the court a fine or serve your sentence, Your stolen goods are now forfeit”
    Me: But…

  4. I would also definitely check out the keto diet! Its an inflammation diet. It has definitely has been working for me with my CBD oil as well. Please watch dr.boz on youtube! The video about constipation and diarrhea has been exactly what changed my mind completely! Today i was able to eat breakfast and go shopping right after. I havent been able to shop without running to the bathroom in 2 years!

  5. My IBS issues started more than two years ago mainly with extremely painfull cramping, bloating and, well, the other symptoms a pretty classic case of IBS-D causes. I wasn't taken seriously by my main doctor so I made most of my specialist appointments without even talking to him and simply based on what specialists at the last test told me but that way simply getting the tests done for the diagnosis took a year and a half.
    Here in germany they just changed the legislation in 2017 to make cannabis at least in theory a relatively normal prescription medicine but because of the long illegality most of the doctors simply never learned anything about it so very few even consider prescribing it. Your video is perfectly timed because just a month ago after 2 and a half years of doctors appointments, loosing 50 pounds and constantly having to worry about getting arrested for buying my medicine from dealers I finally got my first prescription last month.
    I'm now one of about 100000 medical Marijuana patients in germany, a country of over 86 million and it's the best thing that happened to me in years. 🙂
    Thanks for speaking out for us smoking cripples, cheers from germany

  6. Yes! Great info – Was also waiting to hear what you thought about HTC and CBD. I’m still debating if i should try since i do travel abroad a few times a year and this is still illegal in many countries. I’m more afraid of losing control or having a weird reaction and i know I’m just being all paranoid about it. But it has been almost 3 years since i was diagnosed with IBS-D and i have tried different medications and antibiotics but nothing seems to work. It is a horrible disease to have! GI doctors dont know how to help me anymore. So I’m popping Imodium like candy 🙁 . Trying to keep positive and have faith but I have hit the lowest point in my life! Thank you for keeping it real and sharing info.

  7. Your friend from India. Very good video. Unfortunately this system of medicine is not introduced so far in our country. In order to spread awareness may I have your permission to share this video to the concerned Health officials in order to encourage them to consider introducing this medical practice in India. I am glad that you are receiving benefits from this medical treatment.

    Missed you for a very long time. Pls keep your presence by uploading more and more videos.
    I need to share that after a long wait of six months I have finally got a good and steady job. Things are not the same yet it is just a start. I will surely get comfortable with my job. I have achieved remission from my IBD after five months and thanks to you for your support and positivity.

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