CBD Cannabis Oil || My Experience & Benefits

Feel free to ask me questions, or reach out to me! TamiTorossian@gmail.com Brands of CBD I use …

17 responses to “CBD Cannabis Oil || My Experience & Benefits”

  1. Hi tami, could you make a video about yoni eggs? It would so helpful because the only videos I found were about the spiritual-healing-magic-stuff , which I neither believe nor care, I just want to know if it is a good way to tone the perinea !

  2. thank you for speaking out about cbd! I'm just starting to get into it (mostly for anxiety issues) and it's been good so far. started with sublingual oil, have now started vaping it and feel like it's a more immediate hit….

  3. Ok i have some probably dumb questions…is there cholesterol in it like other oils? Can it make you break out like other oils? Have you noticed any changes with your skin?…thank you! I also have knee pain and work out and stand a lot plus my legs swell so maybe it could help…😊

  4. You're so lucky, Tami. I have knee pain as well AND problems sleeping. I took CBD in both capsule form and water soluble form, and I didn't notice any improvement with either. It seems to work for everybody else, though! Frustrating. Anyway, congrats; I'm so glad it's working for you! It helps a lot of people and should be respected as legit pain therapy!

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